
Why do you use the term XBone? You don't like it, great, that is your opinion. However when you use something like XBone you sound like a fanboy who hate the Xbox One just to hate it. When you use the name instead of the derogatory name your comment has more weight. Just food for thought.

Insert the Calvin's Dad school of thought, which while I have no kids, I look forward to the ability to use this school of thought.

Wally world sells Steam Cards so you don't even need to go through the credit card route

They said it will be free. It is getting paid for by NASA (I think) and they are slapping their name all over it which is why it is free, but really no one who plays KSP will mind NASA paying for DLC

It's more to learn the concept and get a feel for it. Then you move onto non see-through locks.

You can mask it to the point of it being pretty damn difficult to find someone.
Some people need to hide, some people are paranoid and then there is the Jack Reacher Mentality of staying hidden is just a game that you love to play

Or you know, just buy the PC version (it isn't region locked)

The tone is used fairly often during severe (tornadoes in my experience but hurricanes wouldn't surprise me either) weather. But a nation wide EAS use hasn't been used in a while (it was set up in case of nuclear strikes if I recall)

One of the intentions of the Dragon capsule was to ferry humans. First Model was the payload variant (what NASA uses to resupply) and the human transport variant has been planned since the design of the Dragon Capsule

1. Dean Hall hasn't left. He announced that he is planning to leave at the end of this year.

I will say that while it wasn't someone's comment on the internet I was directed to a quote that was the catalyst of me loosing my religion. To be fair I was already on semi shaky ground but the quote was the beginning of the end.

(FYI if you want to know the quote it is
“I contend that we are both atheists. I just

It all depends. If you play at "Peak Hours" you will run into a lot more people if you stick to the coastline (which has cities, which people will loot and loiter with guns). If you play on low person servers it will be a very long time till you see someone. The other problem with servers in "Peak Hours" good fucking

It is long periods of boredom punctuated by sheer moments of terror. I personally love it, and it is a great game with friends. They are fairly good about updating (every 2 weeks or so). Ultimately it is a game that you are either going to listen a podcast too or play with some friends, play with some friends, it is

I mean this is more of a drama set in space then a real science fiction (like star wars or star trek) but it got people talking about space which I will take any day of the week.

I loved both of those movies as a kid but god damn did Disney borrow a metric shit ton from the 1994 Stargate movie for their character Milo. (Marginalized doctor studying an ancient culture, gets picked up by mysterious woman for secret project. Fast forward scientist falls in love with local's leader's daughter and

The Giver:

I submit it's goofier little brother (basically the new iteration of Die Hard)

Just ignore it. For your next Die Hard experience I submit

Oh I know but I need to see more before I am convinced it is truly back

Two things to make this better (that both have a slight defense)