Dear Kotaku:
Dear Kotaku:
Aortic dissection causes blood to seep inbetween the artery wall layers, causing them to separate and eventually burst open in a way that’s incredibly hard to mend and heal from. It can happen really fast with no prior warning. It’s not really a heart condition exactly.
I don't know how I feel about the idea that its equippable armor and not a choice at inception
You can have normal human eyes. Really looking forward to the mod that let's you have sharingan eyes
You just gotta accept that Sakurai’s 3 favorite game series are Street Fighter, King of Fighters, and Fire Emblem.
To be fair, the 200 Pokémon will be added to the game in a free update. They won’t be catchable, but if you have Home or someone willing to trade with you you can still use them.
Oh, hey, casual transphobia. How the fuck does this get out of the greys?
Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else.
It’s x1 controller wide and x3 controllers high , it’s not that big.
“I left a series of Xbox Series X boxes at my serious ex’s (Sirius) boxing series one time.”
That’s a real sentence now, thanks to microsoft.
As a Lucina main, that...was a thing of beauty. *wipes tears away*
ProtoBanham was a straight demon. Samsora match against him was amazing
You’re not down with the batshit stupidity that is No More Heroes 3? (Also, yeah. I was hoping for Bayonetta 3 towards the end but I was still content with the hype).
Witcher 3 on Switch? Yes please, shoot it directly into my veins. I have beaten that game about a dozen times now and I’ve been wanting to return to it. Having it in portable form will destroy what little social life I have though.
they had so much packed in this thing that I completely forgot about Metroid Prime Trilogy and the rumor of a revamped Nintendo Switch. It was a good show!
“Hilarious stupid” might as well be their motto. And I, too, love it.
Meh, some good stuff but very much for the target Nintendo audience.
Sorry, Switch fans!
Nintendo obliterated E3. So much ACTUAL GAMEPLAY footage. Other conferences had so much CG, even for a lotta indies, and even with the indie games it was almost entirely gameplay. Tons of good games, tons of ports, Luigi’s Mansion online multiplayer versus a haunted skyscraper? Witcher 3? NEW ZELDA? come the fuck on.…