
I've been very disappointed with Gizmodo lately. Ever since Lam and Chen left it just hasn't been the same. It's as if Gizmodo isn't connected with the major news outlets or something. Take today for example, all the major gadget blogs are covering the news that Amazon is giving away free books through Prime and

iPad 2S... so predictable. No Steve Jobs and it's one dead Apple. Quad-core Asus Transformer 2 comes out next week.

Those were Steve Job's last words...

I'll eat it if they sell it as packs of pasta.

You're just buying into what they're trying to sell though. I'm actually a pretty serious amateur photographer, and processing and manipulating raw files from my Canon 5D2 is just fine in Photoshop and Premiere Pro on my i7 11" air. All laptop screens are small, whether it's 11", 13" or 15". It's funny when someone

They should just discontinue the pro line. There's really no reason for a pro line at this point.

It's just funny how much manpower is wasted on this when Apple can simply allow Siri on all devices.

Looks like even the battery life isn't as good as Android nowadays.

I guess this is important but Android isn't, because you had nobody in Hong Kong last week and was embarassed by Engadget.

Don't worry about the phone price, because that is relatively minor in the grand scheme of things. As a first time smartphone owner, figure out if you can afford the data plans. Signing a 2-year contract means thousands of dollars in phone bills.

Gizmodo didnt send anyone to Hong Kong to cover the announcement so theyre just posting random opinions now. Engadget has hands on videos of the Nexus and even opened one up today.

Gizmodo should consider doing some real reporting, like actually have someone over in Hong Kong covering Android news instead of copying from Engadget and 6 hours late with any real news. No, we dont want to guess what the next Android OS will be named, and no, we dont want to waste time guessing if the Nexus screen

I'm disappointed that Gizmodo didn't have anyone in Hong Kong to cover all the Android events. As a result I had to get all my info from Engadget.

Gizmodo really need to get their internet working in Hong Kong and do some real coverage on the Galaxy Nexus and ICS. Engadget is making a kill off of it.

No wonder it's missing the patented large bezel.

Oh man, how times have changed. Instead of having the best screen, the iPhone 4S' claim to fame is it has the largest bezel.

wow, the new android os is crazy powerful...

Now I wish to have LESS memeory in my phone. Steve Jobs would have been proud of this article.

uh yeah, i think it's cheaper to have less memory... funny that's not mentioned in the article.

A month later you'll probably want a Nexus Prime instead. So it's now or never.