
I had both... ipad and xoom. I never take it out in public (i mean, who does that when everyone's got a smartphone?)... I see people using both ipads and android tabs on planes though.

lol, it's funny when iPhone users tries to justify what their phone lacks. I used to use an iPhone, but Androids are just so much more powerful in the area of navigation and processing speed. As for the screen, it's not even comparable... larger and AMOLED is definitely better.

Samsung shouldn't show Apple any mercy. Apple released an inferior product for this cycle and should face the consequences.

Chinese people don't use Google. In fact, it was banned there for quite some time. No wonder no one could search for Zombies there.

Sounds like Ryan Block is on somebody else's payroll... Samsung? HTC?

He does look to be a smart kid with a bright future ahead of him.

I've had shark fin soup before and consider it one of the best soups i've ever had. I think us humans being carnivores means killing other species can't be avoided. I do believe they should come up with more efficient ways of killing sharks and makung better use of the entire shark.

Do we really need to see how the Motorola Xoom 2 will look like? I mean, what can it possibly look like that will be a surprise to you?

I still boil and filter my water here in chitown.

St. George's is a school with mostly Chinese/Hong Kong students. You can see from the video that the kids are all Asian.

Haha, googled "steve jobs dead" and only Gizmodo's site came up... Nicely done though, should get a good # of clicks.

I dont really agree with Gizmodo hyping the storm with 33 articles this week, the reason being this was only relevent for a small part of the u.s. I skipped all the articles because i dont live there.

my stocks... nooooooooooooooooooooooo

Nikon's too late to the market with the rugged cam, not to mention it looks like a copycat of the Lumix TS3 except the TS3 does 40ft of waterproof rating and 6.6ft shock absorbance (vs 30ft/5ft for Nikon).

I grew up in Cali so all this fuss over a 5.8 is pretty hilarious to me. $45 billion in building damage from a 5.8? Yeah right... whoever wrote this is just trying to stir up drama.

Whew, thoughtbsomeone took my hard drive!

People always find things to blame for their demise. The reality is you will still die even if you do everything right. Yes, you reading this, statistics show you have less than 65 years left no matter what you do.

Apple's little tier system based on memory capacity is getting old. Gee, should I stick with the 8GB or spend $100 for 16GB? Hmm, or maybe I should spend $200 more for a 32GB??

I think a better question would be why HP didn't put Android on this, drop the price to $300, and become #2 in tablet computing behind #1 iPad.

So the earliest they could have known was a few weeks earlier right? Since the Touchpad has been out for only a few weeks, unless HP decided to can it before it ever came out.