
HP gains 5% market share overnight... and announces tomorrow that they're back in the hardware business.

I can't find Cmd on my keyboard. Where is it?

What Apple needs to do is stop worrying about Samsung and start cloning some aspects of Android phones such as an awesome navigation app.

Dang, $2000 with only 2 hours of battery life and only 10x zoom. Much better off getting a DSLR with a nice telephoto lens.

When HP makes a triumphant comeback a decade from now, these things will be worth tons. I say it's time to buy.

I hope Google will pay attention to build material when evaluating the bids. Samsung is winning all these bids by putting awesome displays and specs in cheap plastic cases.

Dr. Dre needs to start representin' Taiwan in his songs instead of Long Beach.

Bose' noise cancellation actually works, unlike the Beats'. I owned both, returned the Beats.

I would have assumed China already had 30 of these... I'm surprised it's their first one, and a refurbished one at that.

Looks nice, may consider getting this.

All this technology, when they can just hand the ball to Shonne Green...

Google TV from Logitech is a much better option now at $99. Android Market coming soon.

it's too big... you'll rarely have enough clearance to turn this thing.

heeheehee, nicely done... almost had me choke on my food. lol

I see a lot of folks arguing "if you want beauty, go with macbook air... if you want power, go with macbook pro." That doesn't have to be the case though. Power doesn't mean the laptop has to have an optical drive. The newest Macbook Airs are quite powerful.

uh, okay.

Dang chill out, are you Steve Jobs?

The price drop to $99 for the Logitech Revue Google TV is great for the consumers. I think we'll start seeing some major upgrades in media streamers as the $99 Revue awaits the upcoming Android Market update.

Avoid the Costco stand... I ate that stuff weekly for a year and blew up to 210lbs (6ft). I later realized that a slice of pizza from Costco packs 700+ calories, and I used to eat it with a polish dog (300-400cal), coke and some type of ice cream dessert.

OnStar's for GM cars right? I highly doubt any Gizmodo readers would purchase a GM car.