
Well, it's not all good in good ol' germany. 21km/h out of town will get you a ticket for about 80€ here too, 40 over? Take your bike for a month. But yeah, in many regions you still have "open" autobahn. But also regions were it's 100 or 120 km/h

Short answer? Read the article again.

Yeah but in that case the service is at fault not complying with http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3696 ... because "! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` . { | } ~" are all valid in the local part of an email adresss (aka the part before the @)

Naah bad parenting does ruin it. Because .. or wait, was it amurrrica? Careful the coffee MIGHT be a BIT hotter than your luke warm morning sip at home...

err no, netflix is just back to it's old slow speed in that case, as the fall back scenario better would be to fall back to the netflix infrastructure outside of the providers network. I agree on the idea of having to pay for setup, but neither power, which should be offset by the value of less traffic nor maintenance

Now playing

They'll get patent-trolled till the hell freezes over, seriously, why do you think we don't have mag-safe like connectors all over? I recall someone had the same idea for the audio connector to have "rip-off" connections.

The guatemala sinkhole has a distinct lack of perma-frost and natural gas ...

It is pretty obvious that neither the customer canceling nor the employee trying to retain the customer is at fault. It's rules by the company that make it a bad experience for both mentioned parties and that is a pity.

As tempting as the Dell 4k display may be, 30Hz is a dealbreaker...

Someone needs a proof reader...

Make sure to check this wikipedia article and the german (deutsch) version even has a map of nowadays operational highway landing strips.

Gizmodo needs to start proof-reading their articles before posting. The typos of the kind of "play instead of pay" are stacking up. Are you posting from mobile devices?!

You bareley passed the twitter message length limitations right there...