
Yeah, the brain can play tricks on you for sure. It does look oily at first, but if you look hard at all the white streaks on the legs you’ll see that it is just paint after a few seconds.

This man knew what happens to people who go against the cartels in Mexico, and decided to do what is right anyway. He then apparently went on to live his life with that knowledge, but did not hide.

Holy fuck. I hate when Judges get killed. To me, it’s like killing the whole concept of justice. My sympathies to the Judge’s family and to Mexico. This is seriously terrible. 

failed to hand the baton to English Gardner.’

Shakespeare In Pain

More like “the Nutterfly Effect.”

Can I just say how refreshing it is to have someone say “My account was hacked” and have it be the truth instead of a desperate attempt to undo a stupid post?

Honey, I love you, and I’m sorry but we’re getting kicked out now.