No, cause it’s taller and gonna handle way shittier than a car height vehicle would.
No, cause it’s taller and gonna handle way shittier than a car height vehicle would.
Aka the “I’m brave enough to order a first-year FCA product” badging.
The best part was that usually 2-3 of the PS3/Vita games would be cross buy. So you could typically get about 4 PS4 games each month.
Having PS+ pays for itself, but now that PS3 and Vita were phased out of the lineup, I dunno, it feels somewhat empty.
Sam Bowie (everything; plus picked ahead of MJ)
Feeling iffy about the clan thing. The internal politics and reputations of various clans were a big deal in VTM and I hope they are handled appropriately. A lot of RPGs want to let you dabble in any number of abilities, but I kind of liked that each clan had a distinct identity, personality, and unique abilities unto…
Don’t forget the ACR version! They came with adjustable Konis from the factory, as well as a some suspension tweaks and better gearing in the transmission. And I’m sure a few other little mods I’m forgetting.
Epic can still get fucked. Throwing around Fortnite money to make the PC space genuinely worse when it’s finally on the rise after being neglected for multiple console generations is a shit move, and supporting it, as well as Tencent, makes the people defending their practices a part of the problem.
The power discrepancy is an easy fix with nothing more than a simple tune on the Abarth’s boosted mill, but god help you if the dealership decides that you’ve voided the warranty because you’ll be paying through the nose for repairs.
The price seemed obvious CP and I couldn’t figure out why a CL poster would set the initial price that high.
Depending on the reason, I’d say he might be entitled to a rematch (open harassment/threats/etc.), but his complaint aligns with what fans of competitive pursuits do all the goddamned time in other arenas (shouting advice—and this is in the NCAA, NFL, NBA, MLS, etc.).
Dude needs to grow a thicker skin and develop a…
Imagine this happening in any other sport. LeBron stepped off court because the fans kept yelling SHOOOOT!
He got up and walked away. He wasn’t entitled to a do-over. Simple as that.
Because at the end of the day it’s still an eleven-year-old Chrysler.
Another example of someone thinking money spent on modifying their vehicle equals equivalent increase in value. It does not.
HELL NO! Didn’t even bother to read the description! Just went straight to the Crack Pipe box and tickled it.
That would explain the breaking down, but until it catches on fire, I’m not thoroughly convinced.
what we need is a body kit to make it look like a Fiero with a Ferrari body kit.
Classic GM. It’s officially ready for production now.