Rising Storm 2, Squad and Insurgency Sandstorm are my contemporary-ish US Army games of choice. It’s been great playing all these mature, somewhat authentic shooters on PC.
Rising Storm 2, Squad and Insurgency Sandstorm are my contemporary-ish US Army games of choice. It’s been great playing all these mature, somewhat authentic shooters on PC.
Because of their vain nonsense. I know you probably don’t care about that because in 2019 we’ve prioritized monetized content over anything that could be considered quality. Branding a fake personality and sitting around all day playing video games is lazy and unproductive. Paying this schmuck 1mill (if true) to sit…
The world is actively a worse place because of these people.
Paying over $600 a month for a Hyundai Santa Fe is madness. Just in my opinion.
I know they’re worried about legal ramifications, but at some point I think Valve just needs to come out and say:
up until 59 it’s fun and a pretty smooth leveling experience...then the grind ratchets up about 25x
The advice is the wooooorst. I have psoriasis that has been severe in the past, and worked a customer-facing job with a short-sleeved uniform for a long time. Several times a week, I got to hear about all the things I should do because they worked SO well for somebody’s cousin’s neighbor’s roommate’s boyfriend.…
It looks like FUN and if I had the FUNDS, I’d definitely give it a go.
Fun fact, the overwhelming majority of people on the internet have never been to 4chan, and have no reason to go there.
“CP” is also Champion Points in Elder Scrolls Online. Made by an American company. Honestly, until I saw this thread, I’d never thought to connect “CP” to “child pornography”. I honestly can’t imagine someone hearing a person say “CP” in public and think “omg, criminals! get them!”
Is CP that common of an acronym for this? I’ve played plenty of games that used CP for some kind of points (most recently FFXIV) and I’ve never heard anyone use it for child porn. Do I just not run in the same circles? Do I need to start worrying about having discussions about FFXIV crafting rotations in public?
I think every regular Vita user has been well aware of this inevitable fate. I’ve been using it for Youtube before bed as that OLED screen is still nice. Unfortunately, there were updates to the mobile version of the site and now it’s incompatible with the Vita’s browser.
I shopped the Versa Note when I bought my daughter’s Kia Soul. The Versa is a horrible, depressing, spirit crushing automobile. I get that they’re cheap, but I’m glad Steven is getting rid of his. He seems like a nice guy, he deserves better than a Versa. Pretty much everyone does, even Patriots fans and people who…
They don’t have to keep the plants open and Canadians don’t have to buy their cars and Trucks. Now only if Americans would wake up and smell the stench.
Shit’s happening everywhere. My 2 acre plot is literally surrounded by cookie cutter communities. In the time since the construction started my property taxes have gone up by a factor of 6. These assholes are pricing me out of my home and land.
I agree that a clutch replacement is reasonable. The employees fucked up. They talk about roasting the clutch and riding the pedal. The clutch is likely fine, but who really knows how badly the life is impacted? All four tires and brake pads? C’mon. Maybe the rear two, but I think even that is pushing it, though I’d…
As ever, take it to the track.
I’m right there with you on the Esprit. I love lots of cars for lots of reasons. But the Esprit and the GT40 are some of the only cars that I get emotional about.
I undertand the move away from numeric scores and even the YES/NO system of days gone by, but could we have some sort of TL;DR in the reviews, please?*.