
sigh.... When I was shopping for cars back in 2007 I was looking at pretty much half this list. Legacy GT spec.B and S60r were too pricy new, Cobalt SS was well... A Cobalt, and an S4 was a sketchy prospect used as a first car. I ended up buying a new Mazdaspeed 6 for a good 5k under sticker, and I'm sure my car is

Genius? Maybe. One of the best movies of the decade? Definitely. Its over the top in the best way possible, and is just restrained enough to not go completely off the deep end into crazy madness. This was Luc Besson at his finest.

I could plug a ODB II device into a car now and via bluetooth/wifi/cellular "remotely" control various parts of the car. I however did not remotely control the car just by being close to it and hacking it somehow ala Watch_Dogs. I think thats what Damon was trying to say... maybe? With a Tesla and its 3G connection

I have to wonder though, all this talk of the F-35 being a mess... what is the support cost of two or three separate platforms over 20 years vs having a single complex platform? As for VTOL? Yeah... that's just hopeless at this point. Unless next gen aircraft carriers will all just be helipads then VTOL is just a

Could they have made this car any uglier? It looks like it needs fangs to complete the ugliness package. The previous Smarts weren't great looking but jeez... they sure as hell didn't look like the stuff of nightmares.

Ever play paintball? Airsoft? They simulate using a real weapon, and try very hard to make it feel like the real thing. There is also a very large disconnect between them a real weapon, namely consequence. If airsoft and paintball are legal (don't they simulate an illegal act or device?) then there's nothing

it would also be really easy to set up a double detonator system which detected whether any wires were cut. Since it would be really difficult to cut both wires exactly at once you have a very difficult to defuse bomb, unless you just shoot it with a water cannon or a shotgun.

they have one lot. Its a very large lot in Fremont, CA, and I live about 10 minutes from it. When you buy a Tesla anywhere near here you can come and yes, drive it off the lot. Yes, its the factory lot. Hey, its still a lot, right?

At $35k ($45K out the door) this car will FLY off the lots, assuming the 200 mile range (probably 150 mile real range) is accurate. As a comparison, a Leaf runs you $30k, and you get the interior of an econobox with <80 mile range. Color me very interested.

While the weight makes it seem more reasonable the fact that its BALANCED on his head without help as he goes up stairs is the is pretty crazy. That some neck muscles right there.

Sorta. He begins a turn, then while still banked cranks the rudder the opposite direction, doing a slip. Pretty common maneuver, but never filmed quite like this. Most of the time you'll see it on crosswind landings and it looks like the plane is flying at some funny angle (aka not parallel to the runway) toward

this looks like something straight out of 1914, not 2014. I say that in the best way possible, cuz it looks damn cool in that retro future way. Put a big gun on it and you'd have a Warhammer 40k tank.

Getting the arm motion down is feasible with powerful enough hydraulics. Getting the arms strong enough will be difficult, but I will leave that in the feasible camp as well (If a wooden trebuchet can launch a car then surely a steel arm can catch one). Getting a control system good enough to catch a beetle without

i find it amazing that GM was able to get 19mpg combined out of that giant honking motor. My little turbo 2.3L gets 19/21/25 mpg, and its "only" 7 years old!

how bout just having a minimum altitude for now until drone tech can catch up a bit on reliability and noise pollution? A few fixed wing drones at 500 or 1000 ft is going to cause next to no disruption (and still be below the FAA regulated altitude), but a quad at 50 ft will sound like a swarm of angry bees.

Get someone you trust enough with your money to buy it for you locally. I trust most of my friends with that kind of thing, even those who aren't that close, but YMMV. Have them make the call with a script (more like list of questions/concerns) you've written, or get yourself a skype number with a 510/408/925 area

My intro to stick went something like this... Saturn Sunfire (i think?) -> S2000 (!) -> POS beater lessons -> NSX (!!!) -> Mazdaspeed 6 ( my current car). Up until driving the speed6 off the lot I had maybe two hours (rounding generously up) of driving stick under my belt. Yes, a rich family friend was nice/dumb

You sir win the day.

I think you pretty much missed the entire point of the interview. The scientist (Caroll) is pointing out all the things that need to be overcome in order for it to happen. Other scientists will look at this and go forward and try to overcome those things. There's no hubris involved at all. There's no guarantee

At the World's Fair 2010 in Shanghai There was a bus line that was set up to do just that. It was a very short line (pretty much a loop that took you around the expo) but they used electric buses filled with some very large capacitors and a charging rail on the roof. At every stop they'd raise the rail and charge