
10 years...? I think the forces driving the guy weren't strong enough. We Americans have a burning desire to move fat people and food around as efficiently as possible and already came up with this:

Solar roadways seem like the worst idea ever for the reasons stated above, but I could definitely see this on sidewalks and as paving stones. your forces are now an order of magnitude less (assuming no dropped pianos or errant semi's driving on the walkway) and your friction requirements could be met with hexagonal

Saw this happen once to a civic with 4 people in it. Started on one side of the highway (forgot which side) ended up on the other side of the highway facing backwards after doing a couple spins. Didn't hit anything or anyone, but I bet everyone inside was scared shitless.

I hope this means more focus on the kinect SDK edition like the what the had with the first one. The Kinect is an awesome piece of technology, but maybe a console just isn't the right place to show it off.

Having read the book I hope the keep the ending intact. It's not exactly Hollywood levels of upbeatness, but I think it'll have enough action (and badass fight sequences) to warrant leaving it alone.

Sterling will not go to jail for this, nor will he pay a fine to the government, nor will he be barred from voting or anything like that. He will be fired from employment in an AT WILL employment state, and in doing so will probably make a lot of money because he probably had a contract that will have to be broken in

A laser beam at 1000+ feet is no longer a pinpoint. Its probably the at least a few inches across, if not more for some of the more poorly made lasers. That makes hitting a target like a window extremely easy, and once it strikes the window then reflection/refraction takes over and spreads the light in the cabin

If you like a manual mazda 5 then check out the rather bodged together but Mazda endorsed Mazdaspeed5. This is a community college project that worked out rather well I'd say...

They have relatively cool tap water everywhere. Good enough for me, and probably good enough for 99% of everyone else.

Chromecast + raspberry pi with XBMC = I CAN HAZ ALL THE MEDIAZ. Seriously, this is a $70 solution that will play literally everything conceivable media you throw at it (even including Airplay, which has been AMAZING if you watch stuff on itunes U). I would say just use XBMC for everything, but lets be honest, its

As bad as this sounds... I'm not sure I'm against it. The plastic bag ban has actually been a pretty good thing around here. The main thing it has done is made people more conscious of bringing bags of some kind with them, whether it be paper or reusable. A lot of the time you can get some kind of reusable bag for

The heroes of humanity who are trying to save it but instead just end up committing wanton destruction, and nothing is really said about it. I'm looking at you Pacific Rim, Man Of Steel, Avengers, etc. Its one thing to blow shit up and be like "oh shit... I blew away that city block, lets try not to do that again".

She's callous, but I don't think she's at fault. Had the issues been her's (design flaws, unsafe construction processes) then the contractors should bump those issues up the food chain and get the managing parties involved. If the issue is the government's (overly zealous construction schedule, lax safety codes)

The safety line is VISIBLE IN THE GIF! Its even more visible in video, and the narrator even mentions it!

This was a "rental" (aka buy used from gamestop, play for a week, then return) for me. I beat it in one weekend, and was glad I didn't buy it. It was fun for those hours, but definitely not something I'd replay.

Alright... these short ass (not to be confused with shortass) cars need to stop. An A3/S3 Avant would look fantastic, unlike this car which looks like the backend got pushed in by an altercation with a semi. Its the same with other compact cars where manufacturers try and squeeze in a trunk lid instead of a 5 door

Lumping SF/Oakland/Fremont together is pretty moronic for this survey. Guess what? I can get a decent 1br place in Fremont for less than $1500. That's definitely not happening in SF. Oakland is pretty split depending on where in Oakland you want (you know... the hipster Oakland or Oakland "you're gonna get shot"

Most people who are yelling about "why not have self coiling cords" obviously have no electronics background. Self coiling cords are a waste of space and energy on this scale. If you only need 6 feet of cord there's no point making a reel big enough to handle that short of cord, and if you do make the reel and

Cable is one of the big monopolies still left in the country and it's a sad shame. The FTC better shut this one down big time.

Damn it Mazda... this is the Mazdaspeed 3 everyone wanted and you never made. Here's hoping the new 3's will get Speed3 with AWD.