
Nope. The reason is that waze only shows current location (not paths driven) and updates very slowly. If you're trying to follow a random person you're gonna have a pretty hard time doing it without already knowing the route, which kinda defeats the purpose of following the person in the first place.

The behind the back move seems silly, but if you watched the video they do show the context. Its for if an attacker gets you while you're turned away and they're too close for you to turn around to engage (as in they already have hands on you). Not sure how effective it would actually be (I'd be worried as hell

To add to that, most resort level skiing never exceeds 30-45 degrees for black/double black. I would bet you could find steeper if you looked for it off-piste, but that would be rare, and probably in very short segments.

Did the other car also have mechanical issues? He seemed to pop his chute before Capps.

The next time I ever need to wear a vest and tie this will be my knot of choice. However... It also means I can't take off the vest for the remainder of the night lest people see the stupid bottom of the tie.

If I could slackline with any ability (I can't) then this would be really fun. The absolute danger level is cut down because everyone has a chute, so it becomes just another way to jump off of something really high. Now the balloon pilots... those are the real crazy ones. I'm not sure of the mechanics of tying 3

While you east coast guys bitch and moan about the cold weather and snow, all I can say is send some it toward California! We've had worst (as in the least) snow and rain in years, and it doesn't look like its gonna change anytime soon. There hasn't been much of a winter sports season cuz there only about 3 feet of

I do believe the article quotes the manufacturer, and that kind of explains the science that went into it. Yup, I agree, a decent amount of manufacturing skill, metallurgy, and design went into it. As piece of well designed equipment, it succeeds astonishingly well. But that doesn't mean it also can't scare the

On one hand... another 300. On the other hand... Eva Green. With enough Eva Green this movie could be a lot of fun. She just has to keep talking and make sure everyone else (especially Xerxes and Themistocles) shuts up.

ugly? Debatable. Hilariously non-threatening? Definitely. Bravo New Orleans!

Just call him kratos what with all the chains whipping around...

A little something a few friends and I stumbled on some years back when we took a wrong turn on the way to Tahoe.

Elsa was the best part of the movie. She pretty much carried the deeper parts of the story (struggle against conformity, freedom, responsibility, etc) while at the same time never coming off as one sided. All of the other characters seem petty when compared to her, and I kinda wish at the end SPOILER ALERT once she

Lesson learned: When crossing a mud pit of unknown depth and stability, enter and cross SLOWLY. Everyone who entered slowly and cautiously made it across. The gung-ho bunch immediately got stuck. Doesn't matter how big your tires are when you're 45 degrees tilted with mud past your windshield.

Actually, being a Canon owner I can say that proprietary-ness has nothing to do with it. Canon probably has the most "proprietary" lens of all DSLR manufacturers seeing as how they no longer have a manual aperture ring. I'd much rather have the A7 or A7r just because being mirrorless there's a shorter distance

ever rent a ring prepped one and drive it a few laps around the Nurburgring? Do that and tell me this little guy isn't "swift". BTW... "ring prepped" simply means they added some extra safety features (brake pads, tires, roll cage) so that you don't kill yourself as easily.

uhh.... thats a pair of digital calipers dude...

Failure modes will probably designed into this thing. Blow off a leg? It'll still keep running (ever see a 3 legged dog?). Blow off two legs? It'll crawl if it needs too. Being that they've made planes be able to survive with half a wing missing I think this thing would make it with a leg or two missing.

So... now the Russians have just made a Mammoth tank with slightly smaller guns.

You get a little tired and sore for a day (especially around the shot area) but thats about it. Just make sure you read the warnings about who should and shouldn't get the shots (ie currently immuno-compromised people). For everyone else, take it easy the rest of the day and everything will be fine. I really should