
Looks like the Youtube autostabilization feature to me.

Totally kickass show. Paved the way for Beast Wars and other 3d rendered shows.

Then he's just doing a commercial for Lamborghini

I'm not sold on Luc Besson's recent track record (producing and directing), but being that almost every movie he's made from the 80's to the early 2000's I liked it will be interesting to see what he comes up with. If he's able to "bring back the band" (Gary Oldman, Bruce Willis, Jean Reno, and maybe Natalie

Any serious photographer should take a semester's worth of basic black and white film photography at their local community college (if the photo lab still exists). It will teach you so much about how to use your digital equipment better, as it trains you to focus on making things correct the first time, as well as

So Toyota took the front end of an Elantra (which is probably the worst angle for that car) and the back end of a focus (again... worst angle for that car as well) and put it on their own underpowered econobox? Good job Toyota, for making a car thats the worst of all worlds with no redeeming value whatsoever.

You know how HOV lanes give benefits for hybrids/electrics? Once autonomous vehicles get popular enough you'll be sure to see a HOV/autonomous lane (by then hybrids/electrics will probably have been removed from the list of preferred vehicles). This will be followed by autonomous only lanes or even autonomous only

As much as I like Luc Besson and his brand of loopiness, Adele Blanc-Sec was a mediocre movie held together mainly with the idea that yes, crazier stuff would happen later and none of it will make much sense. On the other hand, Louise Bourgoin is HOT HOT HOT.

Carmack may "only" be responsible for the engine, but come on... he is pretty much the face of id. None of the other founders are still around (what is Romero up to these days anyway?), so Carmack is to id like Gates is to Microsoft. id losing him is gonna hurt in far more ways than just missing a talented director.

I need to find my old Homeworld disc and play it again. There's nothing out today that even close to that game. Can't imagine why after 13 years no developer has created a worthy rival/successor.

Does anybody think NDT and Cosmos are channeling the Illusive Man a bit?

Man... that would be an awesome place for a drag strip minus, you know, the whole smelling like the dump (aka all of Milpitas) thing.

I find it pretty hilarious that Fremont is now getting world attention. It has got to be one of the most most suburb-y suburbs in all of America. Its where you go to raise kids and disappear. I should know... I was raised there and now live there again (due to housing costs being so exorbitant anywhere else

All we need is for Oculus to develop a Second Life on steroids and we can all live in the world of Ready Player One (maybe minus the 80's references).

This is a movie that is ripe to nitpick about, and I found my self doing that over and over afterward. In the end however, it was big, it was dumb, and it was a lot of fun. Kudos to Guillermo for taking the risk of making what is really a 12 year old's view on what fighting giant monsters would be like and making it

When I was shopping for a motherboard about 6 months ago I began to find that brands really matter for the options boards will have. I wanted something relatively future proof (5+ years) and that meant some kind of thunderbolt support. Getting that along with other decent parts meant pretty much I was stuck with

Drivers and driver support was a major reason why I picked a GTX 670 over a slightly more expensive but better performing AMD 7970. The AMD card benchmarked faster almost across the board but between the framestuttering and lack of Mac support (I was building a potential hackintosh as well as windows/linux box) it

Every brand will have good and bad PSUs, but some brands don't have any good PSU's at all. I tend to trust the thorough PSU reviews from HardOCP and others who do 100% stress tests. If a PSU can hand 100% of what its rated at then its a good PSU, plain and simple. Everything else is just frills and extras. For

That song, combined with Carrie Mulligan, still gives me shivers. It just fits so well. As for the VFX... its gotten to the point where its almost not noticeable. Yes, you know it there, but the line between real and not real is literally blurry to the point not mattering.

the Johnny Mnemonic/Snow Crash style of VR is still what I associate with VR, even today. This is why I can't WAIT for the Oculus Rift (and some decent haptic gloves...) to come out.