
I try to have a few MREs available for ski trips. They are relatively cheap (per calorie), keep for a long time, and are self heating (VERY important in the snow). On top of that, for a real survival situation, there's at least some variety with them. Eating the same bad thing over and over is worse for my mind

How bout this? A standardized mobile device to car interface ala OBD II but for devices. It should be transport layer independent (as in... bluetooth, wifi, cellular, wired, some new method, doesn't matter), extendable, and standardized enough so that adding new features later is just a matter of amending the

It saved his face from becoming mush. May not have saved him from a couple concussions though...

uhh... you forgot to add "bro" to the end of that sentence I think.

Now is the perfect time to buy a laptop IF you intend to use it in the traditional laptop sense, as in partly stationary, partly mobile. What Haswell will do is give traditional laptops the instant on/off and battery life of what you'd expect from a tablet. But considering that you can get a decent ultrabook these

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For whatever reason, the first thing that came to my mind was household appliances. upon further thought the following items could absolutely use explosives: toasters: my toaster has the lamest springs ever seen fridge: the doors are vacuum sealed, i swear freezer: the automatic ice maker seems to enjoy taunting me

Elizabeth reminds me of your companion in the Prince of Persia reboot. She did stuff to help you on the side but otherwise stayed out of the way once the shooting started. I don't know if I'd call that "best AI companion EVAR" mainly cuz she wasn't actually doing any REAL helping. Hell, the buggy and sometimes

I guess this is one of those times when the phrase "third person squad based shooter" doesn't immediately scream "oh dear...". It looks like it could fit the vein of X-COM very well, though that's HIGHLY dependent on how smart (or moronic) your AI squadmates are. The shooting won't make or break this game, the AI

4 wheels. Enough power to get to 80+ MPH and stay there. 2 seats with lots of storage space or 4 seats with an adequate trunk. 300+ mile range. Don't care what it runs on (gas, diesel, electric, chicken crap, all of the above...). I think bringing back the rubber bumper in an aesthetically pleasing way would be

I know what you mean... New Jersey potholes are wheel killers.

Those wheels would make me so damn paranoid of curb rash that I'd probably never try and parallel park that car. Either that or I'd need cameras at each wheel just to make sure nothing happened to them...

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One of the hardest for me (and funniest for everyone watching) is Adenauer Frost at the 'Ring. People camp there specifically to watch ring noobs overcook the entry and do stupid things on the exit. The reason this corner is so bad is that it seems like a slight rise to a left, only that left is much sharper than

Dead Like Me is one of my all time favorite shows. Yes... the movie sucked, but the two seasons where fantastic and its really too bad Brian Fuller left and the show got canned. Its a rare show that makes you care about every character, and where every character eventually gets their own story, but the story was as

Ahh ok, I wasn't sure when those drawing were done. He's not too old so its conceivable that they could have been done more recently, but after doing some google-fu I can see what you mean.

I'm not sure if this was really a firing offense, but if Microsoft thought this would materially affect xbox sales (and there's good reason to think that it might) then they would be better off getting rid of him than to look like their protecting someone who doesn't "care about the community". On the other hand if

So for the party one was Syd inspired (or hired) by Daft Punk or did Daft Punk "copy" (in the nicest way possible) the helmet designs? The resemblance is far too uncanny for this to be random chance.

If there's the same legroom as the current wrx/sti then 4 doors is the way to go. The WRX/STI are both no compromise cars. You should be able to do everything in them, from rallycross to road courses to hauling your family to moving your ass across the country with a full trunk and boxes in the back seats. I am

As a first unoptimized product I think its pretty damn amazing. They just need to either shrink this down and make some kickass IEMs or blow it up just a bit and make phone speakers that sound like full sized speakers. It'll happen, but not before mass produced graphene happens.

There's a few things that really bug me about Tomb Raider even though I think its very well done game. One of the big ones is how nonchalant the violence gets immediately after the first kill. BAM! You shoot the first guy and now you're some kind of bad ass with a bow and a gun. Lara was scared shitless shooting

I'm pretty (99%) sure its all electronic, because otherwise paddle shifters wouldn't work.  All you'd really need for the system to work are some extra LEDs which light up on the console in order to tell a drive who just got in which way the shifter is set up.