
I think sequential shift direction is the auto equivelent of normal/inverted mouse/joystick/thumbpad control on games in that it dates the driver and where they started driving the same way normal/inverted dates gamers.  If you started playing games in the early to mid 90's (or earlier) then most likely (but not

After reading the Wikipedia entry I don't know if TimeGate is all that bad. They just seemed to have moved away from original IP (Kohan was a pretty good series as far as I can remember, and Section 8 wasn't bad, it just wasn't fantastic). Yeah... the FEAR expansions kinda sucked, and I could care less about an Axis

I think the short takeaway from this is that even if your people are top notch (and no doubt Gearbox has top notch people) a game can be sunk by mismanagement alone. The whole outsourcing thing is another matter, as it seems that most games that feel so disjointed (Human Revolution boss battle, anyone?) were due to

I'm waiting for a post mortem on this game, cuz its bound to be stunningly interesting. I feel bad for the people at Gearbox though. Something happened along the way that the developers and artists had no part of and sadly its them that will feel the brunt of the backlash. This pretty much stinks of mismanagement

It probably was dab of trottle, dab of oppo, dab of brown stuff in the pants.  Being that there's significant scraping damage and the article mentions a guardrail I think a corner may have been involved.  Not sure why traction/stability control didn't save this car in that case, but then again maybe the guy just came

Volus Maximus FTW! That's a prefect combination of both universes.

You know how Steam "killed" used game sales? By slashing prices so far that it makes the concept of used pretty much irrelevant. I can go buy a 1 year old indie game on steam for $2.50 (or a AAA title for $10, or a whole pack of games for $30...) or I can root around at half price books for a used game that's

Lets hope thats not the actual rear, cuz they've just gone back 10 years (and aged 30 years) with that styling. They need to improve on the CTS, not go back to the bulbous STS/DTS.

+1 I had a couple business trips to Switzerland (specifically Zug, the center of all things international business-y) and I still wonder to this day how people not in finance or working for a multi-national manage to live there. Just getting groceries is a wallet emptying experience...

That seems like an awesome demonstration of newton's laws of physics and an awful way of taking the spring off a strut assembly...

2 stories, both in my learnin' days of driving. First was when i was doing the parking lot training stuff. Hit the gas instead of brake and managed to land the family minivan on top of a grass berm. No damage, but man was that embarrassing.

"Hand Painted Figurine"

Until PC gaming actually "dies" (whatever that means) I don't think a full blown Steam box is worth it. People drop $1k+ for a fast PC just once every few years (at most), and no one wants to do it again right away just to play some games. I think Nvidia's streaming solution is perfect for now, at least until we

At a $200-$300 price point I can see a market for this. What its missing however is a good video streaming system. Having to use HDMI for connecting to a TV makes this no better than any other wired console. Miracast is still vaporware even though hardware is selling (good luck getting your Nexus 4 working with

Overwatch works if you use it properly. Give your support Sprinter and make them a scout. If you're worried about enemies getting the jump on you then overwatch your squad on a quiet turn and start advancing your support. Once they spot something you'll get a bunch of free hits and probably a kill before they are

SNIPERS!!!!! Also, snipers are one of those units that are completely useless until they get a level up ability, in this case Squad Sight. Without Squad Sight a sniper is just a unit with a slow firing gun. With Squad Sight a sniper rules the battlefield. With Squad Sight and Double Tap a sniper is GOD.

This is pretty much indistinguishable from the arcade version of Jurassic Park, minus any of the fun that comes from having a light gun.

A scruffy Liam Neeson would make a perfect John McAfee.

If I had known better I would have skipped buying a Dell U2311 (E-IPS 23") and just ponied up the extra money for a U2410. The 2311 isn't bad, it just has banding that sometimes can be very annoying especially when photo editing. But hey... it was under $250 and still has good view angles so eh... you get what you

I don't care what they do with the world, just fix the combat and class creation systems. DA:O's was clunky but functional (and more importantly fun). DA2's was streamlined but boring. There has to be some happier middle ground between streamlining and player involvement.