
Its ugly as hell, but that toolkit looks like something out of a scifi movie. I'm fully expecting a "kssssh woooosh" sound every time that thing opens.

I'd buy this if it weren't for the fact that i had already bought a THQ bundle before. For those who haven't bought any THQ stuff... get it. Its worth it, and you might in some small way save them from going completely belly up. I still want to see more Metro 2033 and Company of Heroes...

Hey... at least Ubisoft decided for it to actually have a story this time. Far Cry was a lot of fun and as far as I could remember it practically had zero story (blah blah blah Island of Dr. Moreau blah).

Halo 1 was great fun with enough people on LAN. Halo 2 was a bit of a slog. Gear of War was... Gears of War. I'm kinda ambivalent about it. Personally if PCs can keep having shooters like Stalker, DE: Human Revolution, Metro 2033 and Dishonored then I'm perfectly fine never playing Halo 4 or its ilk. Now let me

I hope this director can take a very personal spin on this, otherwise it'll end up feeling like a Matrix (and many other cyberpunk movies) spinoff. This is the problem with turning Neuromancer into a movie... its such a canonical view of cyberpunk that having it released now might just make it feel like something

I think that many sci-fi movies have it right with autonomous cars. They are all manually driveable but have a handy autopilot button for when you decide to pull into the express lane and take your hands off the wheel. This should be the way to go. I think slowly phasing out (or complementing) HOV lanes with

Is it weird to think that If I had the money for a $90k car I'd probably cross shop this with a Tesla Model S? Both are slightly impractical in their own way, both could easily be daily driven (and you'd love every minute of it), and both will kick the snot out of most cars they pull up to, whether it be on the

Drove through that when I was going between Zug and Milan last year. Holy crap that tunnel is long... I fully expect there to be an entire city in the middle of it at some point in the future, cuz it sure as hell needs a couple rest stops and gas stations.

Except those things are easy to remove. The dealer will do it for you even if you ask. a badge on a phone is not exactly that easy to get rid of.

Samsung made the device. Verizon "provides" the means of running the device.

I wouldn't buy it, but one big reason for buying premade instead of building yourself is an actual warranty on the assembly, not just the parts. Something go wrong with the machine? Send it back and have them fix it. Oh... and you're paying for quite a bit of labor as well. One hour assembly? Make that at least

Everyone who goes on about how manuals are the only way to drive need to admit to themselves that its no longer about being "in control" or being "a better driver" but about legacy, heritage, and that desire to live in a golden age of motoring. I can respect someone who goes on and on about manuals because they

I say give it a decade or so and then go for an orbital drop. There will need to be some serious material research in order to build a flexible and heat resistant enough suit but that's really the next step. Even if he did it Starship Troopers style (rigid capsule which breaks away at the end of reentry) it would be

This is like saying "yeah... Senna was great and all, but he had rich ass parents, so it doesn't mean much." It has nothing to do with being democrat or republican or rich or poor. The kid is smart, and when you combine that with means you get something pretty amazing. Had he been not as lucky financially you

As much as I would like to agree with you on this... does playing as a female character grant you anything different game wise than a male character? The designers could have probably added a mechanic where enemies could react slightly differently but really, in this game like certain others (HL2 comes to mind) the

Well... bringing back the NSX would probably be too little too late at this point. It would make for an interesting halo car but after that they need a more solid lineup to back it. How about a redesign for TL (this time sans beak), bring back a next gen RSX or something similar (the TSX just doesn't cut it as an

Easy. Sennheiser HD201 or HD202. I also found a used pair of HD515's at a swap meet for $15 if that counts...

First boss was so annoying to beat until you realize that you just had throw crap at him. But yeah... Nothing compares to the statue battle when it comes to sheer frustration factor. I replayed a chunk of the game just to get the vision upgrade in order to beat him.

Gotta love bilsteins. You can use them fine stock or hit up any good suspension shop and they'll revalve them to fit your car's weight and handling characteristics for only a few hundred more. You'll then truly have a TUNED suspension setup that can be reused and maintained for many many years.

angry Golf is ANGRY! GRRRRRR....