
I have a leather wrapped shift knob with an aluminum ring at the top and even that ring gets scorchingly hot in the sun. I would have to shift pistol-grip style until everything cooled down...

Mike Rowe is good on ANY show. He should have done the US narration for all of the Planet Earth series (Planet Earth, Life, etc). He got his shot with Wild Pacific (not directly affiliated with Planet Earth but still a BBC production) and did an amazing job with it.

Ok... no one can replace James Burke when it comes to historical connections. If you watch his old shows (the original Connections and The Day the Universe Changed) you begin to realize just how forward thinking he was with his views on technology and communication.

I bought a refurb Kindle Fire and have found it to be a perfectly adequate tablet for most things, but lacking in a couple important areas. If the google tablet adds bluetooth and a front facing camera then it would be my perfect $200 tablet. I don't expect performance miracles or days long battery life, just a nice

There was no bias toward or against the iphone. The article simply mentions ANY 3g phones, which includes most of the droid line and a bunch of older devices. Those people probably have their contracts finished pretty soon and thus need to jump on a LTE upgrade before its too late. I was in that boat originally

If the X2 is still around when you upgrade then that sounds like a possibility. Otherwise you're stuck buying a used 3g phone. Personally I'd get a 4g phone ASAP if your upgrade cycle is coming up. The new phones are all quite good and Verizon is still the fastest carrier on 4g. Their 3g though... damn its slow.

Well... this just means I'm gonna hang on to my LTE unlimited plan for as long as possible then. I'd rather pay full price for a phone than get throttled to 5GB a month.

from this point forward all of Verizon's phones are 4g LTE so you're kinda SOL if you decide to renew the line with a new phone.

Nah... the best thing to do is to set up a separate vlan (or physical wlan) for the wireless home devices like this. Most of the stuff I'd want to do with this would be home specific and so losing "cloud" ability isn't such a bad thing. If you wanted cloud capabilities and were REALLY paranoid then you'd just funnel

Relic needs to jump back to the Homeworld universe ASAP. I would certainly buy Homeworld 3, and that universe has so many possibilities. Elite Force was a fun game, but I think it was a one trick pony. Well done, but one game was enough. Kinda like Tron 2.0. Loved the game, but I don't need a sequel in that

We did get a sequel (of sorts) of Baldur's gate II with Dragon Age Origins. That was more a mix of Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate, but it got the basic idea across (and NWN was really just the next iteration of the D&D rules based games anyway). Then they decided to ruin things with Dragon Age II...

ok... after I saw the cats I'm definitely in. This dude is pretty damn awesome.

I started with a nokia 5190 (aka the Brick) back at the end of high school (this is gonna date my age pretty well...). I then moved to a 8810, followed by samsung... forgot which one but it was flip and tiny. After that was a motorola e815 (which was replaced a couple times due to me losing it) and FINALLY an

Gordon Freeman, particle physicist turned gun-toting-crowbar-wielding badass.

If I can't roll out of a landing then its a 4 point landing all the way. No parkour here unfortunately, just bouldering. It technically is normally a 3 to 4 point as one of my hands will hit the ground before the other. Could you do a 3 point landing effectively? Yes, but there's no reason to unless you had

slacklining... its taking tightrope walking and adding that extra little bit of instability. You know... for that kick of flavor. I can take a few solid steps on a tightrope before getting unstable, but a slackline is a WHOLE different ballgame.

oh dear... the want does not match the price required... I do remember seeing a kit that was under $500 however...

I've always wanted one of these in airsoft form. That and a smartgun...

yup practice makes perfect on that kind of stuff. I still have to resort to my handbrake when I'm parking on steep hills.

hardly. 2x gtx680's cost ~$500-$600 a pop. Add in the rest of the parts (cpu, ram, SSD, HDD, PSU) can be had for ~$1000 (and thats for something like 24GB of RAM, 120GB SSD + 2TB HDD and at least a Sandy Bridge processor). Ok, so $2k is a bit optimistic, but you're still well under "double that" or "triple that".