
I drove in and out of Boston on a weekly basis before. As long as you stay out of the central area just south of North End you're golden. Parking isn't bad if you know where to look (hint: there are free spots near the hospital) and traffic is well... its a metropolitan area so take it as you will. The drivers

Try driving through SF with a manual and having to park on a hill. 20 degrees may not sound like much on paper but when you're staring at sky or pavement trying to pull into a parallel parking spot you just hope your clutch doesn't decide to call it quits at that moment.

lets total this up for a DIY build.

Both Kate Beckinsale and Scarlett Johansson are already playing established superhero-ish characters. You know what would have been amazing? Bringing back Hally Barry, handing her a good script, and watch her make Catwoman history and erase all the bad memories people had of that horrible movie.

I like Anne Hathaway but I would tend to agree with this. Personally, it would have been out of left field but completely amazing to see Eva Green as Catwoman. She can do gritty and complicated (and that she has that certain British accent ala Imogen Heap or Emily Blunt that I cannot resist).

I will say I have never run into a situation worth throwing a controller, but TJ's situation? Yeah, thats worthy of a controller throw, or at least a rage moment. It wasn't just a game at that point, it was a chance at a pretty big prize. I can understand the rage, and I'm not gonna pass judgement on him for it.

I don't remember SOPA being so split down party lines. SOPA was kinda loved by all sides before every got their heads out of their collective asses and finally voted it down. This just seems like a Republican push for power. Yeah... small government my ass.

I like the message, and I like that Greenpeace isn't going all attack mode on Apple, but do they really have to waste that much helium in order to get the message across? Helium is one of those resources that really won't come back once used, and Greenpeace of all people should know this.

Stickers. I don't care if its baller, gangster, or you want to show how many family members you've got. Just... no.

Dude... I saw a craiglist sale for a RX-7 with an LS1 swap go down in a Oreilly parking lot. It looked pretty awesome, but damn I think the previous owner cheaped out on the wiring and electrics and was paying the price hard on that sale. You never want to hear "the two ECU's don't talk to each other very well"

2007 Mazdaspeed 6. 78k miles, 31 states, 2 track days, and still on the original clutch. It may not be a perfect car (if there was a modern car with a truly finicky engine this has to be it), but I challenge you to find a decent AWD sport sedan these days under $25k that doesn't scream boy racer.

huh... maybe more legged robots just need to start wearing climbing shoes. Since comfort is not an issue it would give any legged bot excellent grip on most surfaces.

If the engine has to be dropped its going to the shop. If the transmission has to be dropped its going to the shop. If anything has to be rebuilt its going to the shop (even rebuilding calipers, mainly cuz its so time consuming and small errors could mean big problems). Another words, leave stuff that requires a

I disagree. Brakes are one of the easiest jobs to do right on a car that will save you A LOT of money, especially if you ever decide to track the car. Depending on the car its anywhere between 30 minutes to just over an hour per wheel (that includes pads, rotors, and bleeding). I can do front pads in under an hour

I've done a full suspension job and while it was informative, it was also a pain in the ass. Every car is gonna have their suspension quirks that'll make you want to throw tools. Mine was a bolt on the rear shock assembly which happened to lie directly in line with the axle and the only access to the bolt. That

It all depends on the oil you use, the temperment of your car, and how easy an oil change is. On my dad's ML430 I would NEVER take to a shop and have always done it at home. It takes way too much synthetic oil and would cost a bloody fortune. On my Speed6 however I always take it in. Its too low to get under and

Any harmony remote. I have a 880 and its great. I would love to get a Harmony One but there's no real gain in the upgrade other than looks. An 880 is ~$50 used, so just keep your eyes open.

I don't think this was ever meant to be a long term fix. This is really meant for a crew to drive up quick, drop it, and leave so that traffic can keep flowing until they can get a proper team out there for a permanent fix. In the article, it even says the bags are reusable.

I'm still not a fan of cutting some of the heavy units from Wings of Liberty. Why take out the carrier and mothership instead of just augmenting their abilities? The mothership was a missed opportunity in SC2, and they could very easily correct this instead of adding the Oracle or the Tempest. The carrier is

There's some major Homeworld love in these ships. Soooooo freaking awesome.