
"We don’t need to ask for acceptance from anyone," Henson said. "We are enough, we’ve been enough and we always will be enough."

"Spike Lee is boycotting the Oscars because of "lily white" nomination roster."


I have not seen Spike's latest flick, though reading people's criticisms and reviews I get the impression Spike indirectly addresses America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Childhood Abuse and Neglect*, *Poverty*, that for more than two generations has deprived untold numbers of American kids from

shakin steak wrote, "You can't just say "these are bad people" if you want to fix problems. The whys are interconnected."

Shakin steak wrote, "If you want to know what happened between Motown and now, look at history."

Shakin Steak wrote, "Counsel irresponsible parents."

shakin steak wrote, "Do not slap the hand. Instead, hold it and lead…Empower the children and help them see a future."

SS wrote, "I don't think drug testing and surveillance cameras should be primary parts of that."

SS wrote, "You seem to be advocating for pushing people down, and the target is people who are already down."

shakin steak wrote, "I don't think it's absurd at all. It's possible I misinterpreted what you said, which sounded like poverty causes stress to officers and therefore it should be worked on. I think poverty should be addressed for the sake of humanity, regardless of whether it will result in fewer incidents of bad

SS suggested, "If you want to work on poverty because that will make being a cop easier, well, I find your reasoning despicable but I'll take that means to that end."

shakin steak wrote, "The fact that police are calling for a lifetime boycott of a person taking issue with some among their ranks acting unprofessionally, as you put it, rather than even considering addressing such unprofessional action, is highly problematic…"

Hi again, LillardFan. I am puzzled by something, perhaps you or someone can help?

shadow wrote, "Well, that was fascinating. And also completely ignored the issue."

Hi, LF4E.

Shadow wrote, "That's an interesting if completely unrelated topic. Hey, here's an idea! Maybe childhood would be easier for black children if black people frequently didn't have to grow up with only one parent because the other is in jail."

Once I Was Cool politely inquired, "What makes me curious is why you felt you had to deflect from this particular topic by bringing up an unrelated one."

I'm curious. What is Jamie Foxx and Quentin Tarantino's stance on ending America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Childhood Abuse and Neglect*, *Poverty*, that for more than two generations has deprived untold numbers of American kids from experiencing and enjoying a fairly happy American kid childhood

Looking on Wiki, Michael "Killer Mike" Render (born April 20, 1975) does not offer a family background so after reading his lyrics I am going to assume like many Rapper and Hip Hoppers Michael was a victim of child abuse, neglect or abandonment.