Can I pay $10k and get two cylinders added? Otherwise, I’m good thanks.
Can I pay $10k and get two cylinders added? Otherwise, I’m good thanks.
You aren’t really wrong, and Audi isn’t either. The S level cars have become their “not entry level” cars as it equates to the “not AMG” AMG43 cars and the “fake M” M40 and M50 level BMWs.
Audi doesn’t really do drama. While the RS4 is fast, it’s more about covering ground sensibly than with flash and excitement. The RS7 itself is remarkable only in that it’s a beautiful sports coupe with 600 horsepower that will absolutely eat miles, but dynamically not exciting. It sounds impossible until you drive…
there’s no food in the grocery store yesterday because of panic hoarders.
FCA sales here in Houston, we are hit pretty bad too.
That’s true for many software jobs. My wife is a program manager and basically works from home most days. The issue is that her coders also work from home, and their home is India. It’s always a double-edged sword. The flexibility to work from home is great, but that means there will be more competition for that job.…
My company sent out an email that everyone was supposed to work from home until further notice. Except me. Now, I’m one of those that are more productive at the office but that felt a little like I was the designated sacrificial lamb. They amended that to me coming in 2-3 times a week.
San Francisco is a mixed bag it seems- up 16% for total emissions but down 9% per capita. Maybe it’s due to the number of people commuting in combined with the locals driving more electric cars.