
Whoa. Bogus.

Glad to know De Nero and Pesci are goodfellas

If Adult Swim wants to invest enough cash, the perfect replacement voices would be Christopher Lloyd and Michael J Fox.

I tend to disbelieve her only because she didn’t claim he yelled “It’s tool time!”

Red knows. And he knows that stoned kids in the basement aren’t upstairs bothering him.

Jian Yang murdered him and stole his identity.

That’s some poor water discipline, frem bro.

They better have Jews In Space with Jewish Space Lasers.

I only ever watched the movie. Is the punchline still “babies taste best”?

He throws it in the toilet and he flush it down
It goes into the sewer with the yuck running through her
And it runs into the river that we drink
Hey world, you stink!
Ah, man it’s later than you think
Girl you got just one more chance
Come on baby, while I dance

At least Sasha Grey has talents. Not acting, mind you, but talents.

Says Frank Herbert. The second Dune movie finishes out the original book. There are no face dancers in that book. Scytale does not appear until Dune Messiah, and that’s the third movie.

Christopher Walken’s twisted mentat. Perfect!

No Scytale until the third movie.

SDMI is a funny adult Scooby Doo. In fact, it’s basically a glorious 52 episode punchline for everything that came before it.

Fred is obviously a TRAP

Bring in Feyd and Rabban

it would be boring if Wolverine and Deadpool finally met up and didn’t get into any Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner hijinks. After all, they’re both basically immortal, so the whole movie could just be them murdering each other for two hours and it would probably be a lot of fun.

Mike Lindell waits patiently by the (landline) phone.