
Tatiana Maslany is a master of looking like someone else. See Orphan Black.

They reserve that particular slur for trans women.

How about a little love for the Louisville KY band King Kong? Their rock opera about a caveman and a yak is a masterpiece. And just check out their video for Pawnshopolis!

Do you know anyone who wouldn’t watch that?

yes and...

I want an MST3K style show where Badger and Skinny Pete riff on science fiction shows/movies while doing bong loads and rails.

being kept in a hole by bikers to make meth

That is the most self aware comment I have ever seen.

This show is cheesy and stupid. I like it.

so in which reality/society men are allowed to “hulk out” in their everyday lives?

Yeah the pure recap is a waste. We saw the same show. I already know what happened.

So instead of being kinky goths they are now murderous kinky goths? No sir. I don’t like it.

It was not to help Kim. He lied and pretended he had some dirt regarding her so that she would show up. As soon as he was under oath he declared that was false. His motivation was to wiin back Kim’s respect.

He is also a shitty brewer. Exploding bottles should not happen, even as a scary “is it gunshots?” moment.

The grass is shitty. Oregon has much better weed.

There’s also lots of boning and homophobic angst

He will get to stretch his range a bit with the Dune franchise. There’s lots he can do with Duncan Idaho.

I guess it’s time to start my one week free trial and binge the season so I can watch the finale in real time. So long and thanks for all the spoilers!

Jimmy became Saul. Saul pretended to be Gene. Gene only ever existed as a fiction, a mask Saul was wearing to lay low. And it was an itchy costume that was bound to come off eventually.

How about a full animated series in the style of Family Guy: Florida Kim