
Looked to me like his lawyer was kicked back enjoying the squirm as much as the rest of us. He did it on purpose. Plaintiff’s lawyers were required to notify him and give him 10 days to declare any of it privileged. He was notified and did nothing. On purpose.

Many of whom became pig people from listening to him.

Batgirl, yeah
Batgirl, yeah
Where do you come from, where do you go
Who’s baby are you, I just gotta know
Batgirl, yeah

She told him to fuck off.

Maybe he will go all the way back to Slippin’ Jimmy, wipe out on a patch of ice while fleeing the feds, crack his head on the curb and die.

Kinda disappointed a headline that starts off with “Nathan Juggles” has nothing to do with Nathan Rabin, Juggalos, or ICP.

Screw Max Headroom, bring back Twenty Minutes Into The Future.

On the other other hand, eat Shakira

Oye na Beltalowda!

Fascist gonna fash

Non ironically, thank you Harrison Ford.

Maybe you have mistaken this show for She Hulk

June Foray voiced Rocky

lol. Loser.

She looked at the evidence which absolutely proves what pieces of shit Cosby and Kelly are, seen their victims and knows the whole story. She is aware they are long term sexual predators and pedophiles. And she looked at both cases and said “Yeah I’m ok with that and I’ll help you find a legal loophole to avoid

You know who may be more evil than Kelly?

You are werfwess Arek Bawwin


He was also on Babylon 5