They had me at Bryan Cranston kicks a boat’s ass.
They had me at Bryan Cranston kicks a boat’s ass.
I’d bet they do it on purpose to gather data.
Bojack says you got a substance problem, you must really have a substance problem.
Doctor Whorrible
No satisfaction
So why did they decide to pooch the whole thing by having the second hearing at 7am Pacific time? Who tf is ready to watch that shit at 7am?
Breakable underwater windows that can be broken by blasters that are the primary weapon of the stormtroopers patrolling the passages made completely of breakable underwater windows.
Why did I read that in the voice of Vincent Adultman?
I can’t wait for all the Joker cards to be played. Joker 2: The Great Milenko. Whoop! Whoop!
One tomahawk missile launched remotely from halfway around the planet and that whole rebel compound is ashes.
Mass shootings have overtaken the fatality rate of canceraids
I saw them do the BSG remake and fanbois screamed about ruined childhoods. I liked it. I saw them do the TMNT, Spiderman, Star Trek, and so many other remakes and fanbois screamed about ruined childhoods. I liked it.
Wednesday! Wednesday! Wednesday!
Get your Brave Maeve™ merch now! Use the promo code YASKWEEN for a 10% discount during Pride Month.
So true. The “What’s On Tonight” page stopped updating months ago and is now a 404. But the whole site has been walking dead for years. I miss the days of Disqus.
The guy with the toybin had to be Mel Blanc doing his best Bugs Bunny
All the asshole guys commenting that it’s no big deal, would you do it? Would you non-ironically wear a dress to some gala event with lots of cameras and such? Don’t lie and say you would.
Your misandry is showing.