
Interplanetary human trafficking?

Are you one of Musk’s sock puppet accounts? Or just a regular simp?

They sell food, alcohol, cannabis, porn, theater, and TV. And that’s not even looking at any manufacturing and research. What’s Nevada got to export? How about Utah? The coasts will do fine. The middle will devolve into a 4th world hell hole Mad Max fever dream.

You know California is already the world’s 5th largest economy, right? Meanwhile MIddle America is gonna have a rough time exporting anything with no salt water access other than the Gulf.

The Second Amendment is the stupidest most counterproductive destructive element in our entire legal system. It was a bad idea right from the beginning. Humans do not have a “right” to own/use any weapon they want. That whole concept is fundamentally wrong. You have a right to protect yourself. You have a right to

Several smaller countries would be a desirable outcome. Progressive west coast becomes a world economic power. Unfortunately it will probably be more like a few dozen warring city states in a vast inhospitable wasteland.

Even worse is the fact that the NRA bans guns at their events. They know the dangers. They just don’t care about anyone.

Dey know NUT TING!

It only sounds like indentured servitude. In reality it will be air slavery. Cohagen! Deez people need ay-yuh!

Canceraids claimed this site years ago.

He’s acting differently because he’s old. Times have changed and he hasn’t kept up.

I mean worst possible candidate as the only one that could possibly have lost to Trump. Yes Sanders would have won in a landslide.

Such is the price of hubris. If she hadn’t been such an out of touch arrogant entitled asshole to her potential voters, maybe she could have won.

Hillary’s platform was “I’m not Trump”. She offered nothing of value whatsoever. Sanders had the winning platform and she mocked it.

Why can’t you understand that a slow death march to the sea may be better than being burned at the stake, but either way you wind up dead. DNC forced the worst candidate possible on us in 2016 and learned nothing. Democrats need to get off their asses, pull a full-on FDR out of their hat, and quit blaming the voters

It is not about “purists”. It’s about the democrats basically providing nothing more than “we aren’t them”. HRC lost because her entire platform was “I’m not Trump so you have no choice but to vote for me, you worthless sacks of shit”. Dems need to stop trying to cater to non-existent middle-right centrists and get

And if they do, what sort of light bulb appears over their head when they think of an idea?


Outlawing math books is a brilliant new strategy. And Texas just backed down from a miscarriage is murder case. If I was a betting man I would have to give Florida the odds.

In Florida it’s illegal. Or are they just not allowed to say “gay”?