Did the Adderall suddenly wear off?
Did the Adderall suddenly wear off?
Fill his hand (with bourbon), you son of a bitch!
That's not John Wayne.....That's Rooster Fucking Cogburn!!! The man must be considered armed and extremely intoxicated.
Serious question, could an all Eli team beat the Jets? Sidenote: I would pay money to watch Eli return a punt.
If you were to clone Eli Manning, and then form an entire NFL team with nothing but Eli Manning clones. That team would be the 2014 Chicago Bears.
So what? She's got a great rack.
There are a lot of cases where police wrongly kill people. This was not one of them. This officer was a hero. Brown was a thug who tried to beat up a cop, and take his gun. Cop Killers are not victims. They are scumbags. Thankfully he is dead.
I'm sorry but this is bullshit. If you heard probably 99% of the pop stars these days sing live "unplugged" with no reverb or accompaniment I doubt it would be much better. Beyonce can't sing half as well. Mariah has some def vocal problems, wear and tear from all the riffing and over singing, but this is unfair…
Murder? The police officer in question was neither indicted by the grand jury nor convicted by a court. Just because you are upset with the outcome of this poor man's decision to disregard a police officer's lawful orders and then resist arrest doesn't mean you can make libelous claims against this officer by…
She destroyed her voice after years of yelling at Nick Cannon. Thanks Nick, you no talent son of a bitch.
The level to which you exaggerate is annoying. The system is fucked occasionally but you make it seem like the whole thing is broken. There is a very real problem, yes, but don't blame the entire system. The one that has kept you safe your whole fucking easy white life.
Stop using Michael Brown as a hero. He wasn't.
This might be one of the most asinine, arrogant, judgmental, bullshit articles I've ever read... including articles about Kardashians and why I should care about them. The police have one of the most difficult, least appreciated jobs on this planet. Yes they have power, and yes that power can be abused by a tiny…
Not going to lie, I absolutely hate that you include Michael Brown in this... what happened to Garner is disgusting. What happened today is outrageous and disgusting. But on Brown:
By Albert Burneko, white American.
How about including all of the facts instead of nit picking a few to support a radical extremest viewpoint. From the official crime data statistical log on the FBI"s own website, the most common interracial crime is black on white. The race with by far the most acquittals in the american judicial system: african…
"In August, Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson shot unarmed black teenager Michael Brown to death in broad daylight. That is what American police do."
Yeah you're right Kinja. One day the USA will strive to have a justice system like Saudi Arabia, or Russia, or Cuba, or China, or Egypt, or Thailand, or South Africa, or Mexico, or Brazil, or Turkey, or Pakistan, or North Korea, or France, or Spain, or Iran, or India, or Jamaica.
"America is a serial brutalizer of black and brown people. " Except for the majority of white Americans who don't brutalize the majority of black and brown people.
Albert, how do you feel if a black person tells you that your opinion is invalid because you're white? Serious question here.