Kilo Sierra

Because of job loss in an extreme depressed rural economy, the husband and I were forced to move back in with family after eviction. Only thing - he has to live with his parents, and I have to live with mine. His parents refused to take me in because I’d raise their water bill too much; my parents will let my husband

Dallas? How has that not been a thing before? I don’t watch any of the RH shows but if ever there was a city that cries out “come film my gaudy, new money idiots,” it’s Dallas.

“We do not condone domestic violence. We just enable it.”

I think the kid on the left might be a little girl. I’m basing this solely on the shoes.

No, no. Abortion cookies for some, miniature American flags for others. =)

If this whole mess doesn’t get turned into a movie starring JK Simmons, I give up on Hollywood.

Now this whole story makes sense.

It’s because they ordered a Larg-e-soda, and got a Minn-e-soda!!!

“There I was, enjoying a light repast at the Applebuddies club, engaging in a fine and stimulating discussion of Amanda McKittrick Ros’s brilliant use of simile and metaphor, when suddenly what should assault my ears but some jenny foreigner defiling the rarefied air of our great nation with her native tongue! Well I

Made these for my kid’s birthday, which is a few days before Halloween. Half are pumpkin, half are devil’s food.

I’m not sure if I’ll even be able to hear the comments section over the sound of our collective Delightful Irony Boner. There has to be a German word for that, right? By God, I hope there is.

Greetings devoted Thriftees! I’m back with another round of Thrift Diaries: Hip Hop edition! Just kidding, but I did

Future HOA board members, obviously.

They do. And grown men shouldn’t be treated like they can’t have emotions and weaknesses and needs, either. And women and girls also shouldn’t be tasked with bearing the burden of doing all the emotional labor of taking care of men and maintaing relationships (and childcare, and housework, and they shouldn’t be

OMG when i saw the lead image i had a heart attack thinking this was an article announcing their divorce. these two are relationship goals, big time. my husband and i went to see them with my parents and it was soooo funny, however extremely awkward since they talk about oral 95% of the time

Oven cooked salmon all the way. My husband makes fun of me for using tinfoil for baking salmon, he calls it a hobo oven, but WHATEVER it works and is a one size fits all and is super easy clean up and everything turns out perfect. In a Pyrex you have to do dishes and if you have a big piece of fish, it might not all

Nah, gender inequality is wrong regardless of how much wealth is involved.