No, it doesn’t.
No, it doesn’t.
Base 60 numbering.
That interior works. Mazda normally only offers black (boring) or brown (clashes with the black dash and door cards) seats in the MX-5. Burgundy on black looks nice. Should be a regular option. So should the red top.
Or even more easily avoided by her contacting the HOA about the situation before even moving the RV to the driveway....
When people extoll “politics at the local level”. remember that the more local, the more petty. Of course without a functioning federal government, so many are now left to fend for themselves at even the personal level.
I hate to say it, but I am leaning towards siding with the HOA.
The best way to have a good HOA is to be involved in it.
I get the hate for unreasonable HOA’s, but if you’re a homeowner who has chosen to live in one and doesn’t at least try to work within the system first, you’re also at fault in the scenario. This HOA has a what seems to be a fairly easy system in place for having an RV in your driveway, the homeowner didn’t even…
Maybe I’m a piece of shit, but I think the HOA is being reasonable here. They have a policy regarding RVs in their community. The nurse and her husband chose to violate that policy without reaching out to the HOA in advance. HOA enforced their policy. Nurse and husband reached out to the HOA, which told them that they…
Person who willingly moved into HOA neighborhoods shocked that her neighborhood has HOA!
Ugh. This again.
In other words...
I don’t see any mention of the “Mach-E” among that Mustang lineup. Was that whole SUV thing just a bad dream?
The ease with which we can now create doctored video as well as doctored photos, can create audio of people saying things they never actually said... gotta wonder whether fake news (the original meaning, not the Trumpian “they’re being mean to me” sort) is ever going to be solved.
What is this... commute... to work... that you speak of?
The last time they went 6-> 8-Series they introduced a new platform with a V12 which replaced a dated 15 year old platform. This was back in 1990, btw.
The Corvette kept its composure even with mid-corner gear changes, so smooth were the shifts that they surely must have been lubricated by purist tears.
Wait... I just had to google this... that's real? Holy shit that's ugly
Serious can mean constant monitoring for a brain swell, I don’t know what his condition was but when I was rear ended by a semi truck I was in the ICU and in serious condition until they were sure I wasn’t going to have any brain swelling or bleeding. Once they were sure I was in the clear I was released in a few…