
Damn it, Jane!

Memo to Jane Fonda:

Right? What a fucking knob. All he has to do is live in Switzerland or France or whatever. He beat the system and he’s still fucking whining?????? And people still don’t believe privilege is a thing...

That was actually pretty calm and reasonable for Alec Baldwin. Low bar, I know. But still not very different from what a lot of commenters here were saying here when the story broke.

Polanski should definitely sue. He’ll be made very welcome when he comes to testify in a California court. We’ll even provide him with room and board.

All of these dresses are hella boring. This is middle of the road awards show, not Met Gala.

It’s literally right there under her picture:

In that Hollywood Reporter piece Tambor continually misgenders Jill Soloway by using she/her and not Jill’s preferred pronoun they/them. Again, he’s a vile creature who is anti-trans and anti-nonbinary despite what he said when he got his awards. Why these pieces are even green-lit is beyond me. Fuck him.

nothing could have prepared me for that Britney video. Her face between his sit ups is like a AI robot rebooting itself.

“This woman has a husband. A husband. She didn’t deserve this! HE didn’t deserve this! You’ve ruined her ... for him.”

Fucking THANK YOU. I’m a good person! I do good things! I hate injustice! I don’t need a fucking husband or kids to validate all of my feelings and experiences. Sick of over-privileged women using their platforms to remind the world that I am a lesser being because I have failed to procreate.

Of all the hot takes, this one annoyed me the most:

I’m in. I watched her set on youtube today and she nailed it. They shouldn’t be apologizing for what she said. They should be praising her honesty.

unsalted bowl of oatmeal

Middle America (my ancestral land) has a certain segment of women who find Lauer and other bland white dudes of his type attractive. It was no surprise to me at all when the unsalted bowl of oatmeal called Blake Shelton was named Sexiest Man Alive, because I am personally acquainted with at least 15 women who agreed.

I’m sorry but is Klenord like Leonard with a “k”? I initially read it as KLEE-nord, leader of Blargon 7.

who goes by “Shaft”

I think now is a good time to remind everyone that it took Winona Ryder more than a decade to get redemtption....for SHOPLIFTING.

Absolutely. There’s really no such thing as “it couldn’t happen to her” when it comes to this.

Yes. And obviously I know you’re not saying this, but fuck, sometimes unlikable, brash women get raped too.