
The point is that Trump is a hideous demagogue using racist and xenophobic rhetoric to froth up atavistic tribal bigotries and resentments in a cynical attempt to seize the ultimate seat of American power, which he desires only to satiate his narcissistic, megalomaniacal hunger for personal dominance and that any

Donald Trump, c. 2015: “I love the Mexican people. Nobody loves the Mexicans more than me. But, look, we’re going to build a wall, and Mexico’s gonna pay for the wall...”

Adolf Hitler, c. 1932: “I love the Jewish people. Nobody loves the Jews more than me. But, look, we’re going to build a camp, and the Jews are gonna

Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American people.

I’m confident saying that anyone who wants Trump as President cheered for AIDS while watching the movie “Philadelphia”.

It’s 10 months until his hypothetical inauguration and some people are already comfortably settled into “He’s Hitler! No seriously! We really mean it this time!!” mode. Where the hell is the rhetoric going to be when some actual scandal really does happen?