
As for his swhingin about, “No one should have to continue to defend the fact that they acted in self-defense.” No dude, it was outright murder in fact, just acquittal by a biased jury and no, it was only self-defense when someone was trying to stop you from murdering more people. Try to never forget those facts.


I know someonew who worked for Amazon in Seattle. Working from home was ideal. The before covid commute was about 45 minutes which included an Amazon shuttle and subsidies for the commute. After covid no shuttle, no subsidies = over an hour commute. Found a job with a company that doesn’t even -have- a brick and

And to top it off, the “interview” has already happened, they are just deciding when and where to air it. It isn’t that 45**** won’t attend the “debate” because he doesn’t have any plans, he wants to grandstand somehow.

Whenever I come across those folks who want to split a state for whatever (usually racist) reasons, I ask one simple question that they have never ever been able to answer. Can I see your proposed budget for roads, bridges, education, and other basic governmental functions? The areas are always on the receiving end of

I think the were trying to find how many ways there are to spell demining incorrectly!

Interesting that the charges do not state that 45**** actually “tweeted” such and such, but “caused to be tweeted”. It doesn’t matter if 45**** actually wrote the tweet or not. Yummy!

When considering planning in advance for evacuating think of the worst case scenario; you are out of the house, it is nightime, and the power is out. I placed reflective stickers on everything that must be grabbed to evacuate. Go-bags, hard drives, CPAP machines, medicine bags, dog bags, etc. A flashlight will

And if this child is truly traumatized by simply seeing a -picture- of such a couple, what do they think this same child with a gun will do when seeing a real-life couple like this? A complete reflection of the parents and their racism.

So, since the women lost at the knockout stage, the US mens team can’t even get that far should the Rs be even more upset at the men’s team? Or are they just finding something more to whine about to get those sweet sweet donations.

My go-to for thikcening in pies and the like is Tapioca pearls. I wonder if that will substitute easily for the pectin.

Timely reminder that the state of Texas does not now or has ever cared for the safety of people. The savings from not fixing things, now that, they care about.

So, isn’t one of his kids named X or something like that?

I have a steel 1/2 teaspoon measureing spoon that I sharpened one edge. Holding it in one hand with strawberry in the other and it scoops out the stem quickly with one move. Easy peasy.

I’d like to know where in the Barbie doll world is “neglects to address any notion or faith or family,” addressed, at all?

In the invitation to our wedding we included attire information. We told them that we would be formal, but everyone else could wear aloha shirts and shorts. And they wore such attire. I still have my top hat now some 38 years later.

For the vast majority of my careers I commuted about an hour each way. Couldn’t do anything with co-workers after work due to the commute, so didn’t really make any friends through work. So, with only one exception, I have only kept track of one co-worker, and it was due to non-work stuff and it was on Facebook. Back

Wow, I hadn’t heard of the problems of TCM. With the exception of some quality political shows, olympics, and tennis, 90% of my viewing is from TCM. Could be that I really really hate commercials too, but it would be a huge loss if TCM went away.

If it had -been- there during the reign of 45****, it would have never been found, it would have been consumed immediately.

Can regular latex paint be used instead of liquid latex for this? I have lots of leftover paint available.

This is brilliant!