
Left out one of the easiest. Post hole composting. Dig a hole, fill it with scraps, fill it back in.

And per the standard course of thoughts for such people, if one loses one’s child due to gun violence, you then lose your right to vote.

None of those methods will work on a continuous (plastic welded) membrane flat roof.

My main takeaway is that the holes are not symetric nor evenly placed in the sink-coffin. 

We flew a small plane into the Mt. Bachelor area for a weekend of cross country skiing. We went to Rent-A-Wreck to get a car for the weekend. This was back around 1983 or so. We got a nice vintage 60's Plymouth Valiant. It was a stick shift so I got to drive up to snow country with basic tires, nothing special. As we

And if you have one of the hybrid vehicles that can be used for power (we have a Prius and a Rav4) you can use it for up to about 1300 watts of power (depending on the vehicle). We were out of power for about 10 days and used our Rav4 the whole time. We used about a gallon gas per day. A vehicle is already maintained

Nothing about the easy way to split a pill that has a score line? Sheesh.
Just set the pill with the score line up, press on both sides of the pill at the same time and the pill will split at the score line. Basics, include the basics in articles like this.

There are two variations of two prong items. Same size and as shown one longer than the other. Those are polarized. Most of the time it doesn’t matter, but when you have (like me) a bunch of vintage Xmas lights and devices, and having an assortment of multi-outlet connectors, getting things to connect can be

Like a previous boss of mine who -told- me I had to come in and stay later. It is all about -appearance-. The boss said that it made him look bad when I left early. That I came in early was irrelevant. Performance was irrelevant. teamwork was irrelevant.

Is there nothing that MAGAs (DeSantis is in that lump) will not complain about? If the media actually covered Casey DeSantis and provide true actual coverage they would complain. If the media coverage was even slightly favorable, they would complain it wasn’t gushy enough. Is there anything positive ever from these

Nope. 45** landed before Biden was sworn in. Missed it by -that- much.
Found it here:

If you add anything to your water bottle, it gets gunky much faster. In extreme cases, crushed ice and vinegar work well to scour and sanitize. 

So Montana wants to TikTok to identify who is in Montana, and by extension, who goes into or out of Montana. From a tech standpoint, what Montana is worried about and wants to prevent (spying on users) can’t be done now since the tech only knows what country the user is in and not at a lower lever of detailed location.

And some of the hard plastic or glass containers have insufficient seals and those damn moths get through. We has so many for so long that I added an extension to our small shop vac to get them off the ceiling. It took a year to seemingly get rid of them, I hope.
They like the folded-over spaces in dry good packaging

We had a water heater fail and the drain pan was also compromised, so water hit the wall and did some damage. The insurance company said that if a claim was filed, the insurance rate would be raised by a third for three years. So, in addition to the deductible, it would also cost a whole year’s worth of insurance to

Perhaps a slightly softer tooth needs the ridges for strength.

After multiple attempts at using many different implements, by far the best, easiest, and also cheapest tool for making such things is . . . a fork. Just split the frozen stuff with the fork until it is small enough to merge with the more liquidy stuff and bingo! Then add the hard stuff.

There should be active shooter drills in each and every legislative body once a month. Schools have to so why shouldn’t the idiots who think mass shootings is a normal everyday thing in America not have them too?

If you have more than one insurance coverage, make sure that both were involved in the billing process. What one doesn’t cover, the other might. A royal pain to do however, as they often don’t know.

For things that have some family history, label them. Add a tag or label to let your kids and grandkids know that “this was made by Gram (real name)‘. This book was written by grandpa (real name) and was a standard textbook at the time. Provide whatever history you have for each item, so your decendants will have some