
I had the HV battery replaced by a shop with a Dorman in my ‘06 Prius at about 160k miles. It failed in one day. Shop replaced. Second one failed at 1600 miles. Found a used Toyota battery and did the work myself. Easier than I expected. I killed the engine in the ‘06 (lack of oil plus bad water pump bearing) and got

It was a #2, which was explicitly accepted at this facility, well, except for that bin.

And if your boss asks you to do something you are not quite sure is proper or even illegal, ask for it in an email or some other official way. Otherwise when you find out later that your boss is an ex-cop and that the illegal thing was asked of you and you said no, that boss will find a way to get rid of you. With a

I had one of the older recycling bins provided by the local recycling company (Waste Management) that were also marked with the proper recycling symbol. I was in the swing of throwing it into the recycling bin at the recycling center when an employee told me I could not do that. WTF? I can’t put a recycled recyling

After I found a knife buried in a fire pit long long ago on a backpacking trip, the first thing I did when I got it home was to make a sheath for it. How do you have a fixed blade without one? There is nowhere safe to store one without a sheath. There is no way I would take any kitchen knife camping. All of the knives

I had a young boss one time who, when presented -status- took it as a problem to solve as a manager. Yikes! Once I figured this out, I could present a small problem to the manager, and like bulldog would go off and get things done.

And those cowards banned guns from being at their conventions. Scared of guns much in the hands of “others”?

Odds are high that multipel LEOs yelled multile orders at the person at the same time. Regardless of whether any of the orders were actually heard, one of the LEOs would felt bad being not obeyed instantly, thus the taser. Which yelling officer should have been listened to? Another case where the LEOs did not follow

Cand chocolate chip cookies are a great confection to add spicy peppers. Habaneros have a fruity flavor and then the heat comes. Yum! I think I’ll explore adding ginger to the outside and perhaps lemon zest.

Ok now. According to this R, anyone can just plain ignore any law or ruling they don’t like. All righty then. Idiot. I thought we were a nation of laws. Apparently to some Rs, we are a nation of do what you want (well unless it is something I don’t like).

Dad used some garden hose to replace the broken rubber bits that go between the fender and the hood on our truck.

Cheese grilled grilled cheese sandwich. Place additional cheese in the pan, add the grilled cheese sandwich (with ham of course) ONTO the grilling cheese. A cheese grilled grilled cheese sandwich.
The cheese fries must be eaten quickly before the fries get soggy though.

So, the jerk bvasically admits that no one else’s kids lives matter at all to him. Nice. Asshole.

Separating layers of cookies in a cookie tin.

Any tips for getting a dishwasher to actually clean off lard remnants?
I’ve been making pie crusts and experimenting with various ratios of butter:lard lately. However, even after I have cleaned the bejusus out of our dishwasher, those remnants are still there and it barely cleans peanut butter and butter off of

But, does it kick grass?

I sharpened my mower blades for years, got lazy and didn’t for years. Didn’t make a bit of difference. 

A few years ago there was a bad equine disease going around, so without having horses to use for the various equine events at the county fair, the barrel racers used hobbyhorses instead. It made for a very interesting and competitive event.

We had three jars of Peanut Butter in the cupboard. Upon each lid was written what the intended use was; rat trap, dog treat, human. I found that the human one was unopened and was donating some food goods to the local food bank, so I included the human peanut butter. I did add a note to it explaining why it was

Sure, as they also erect a similar memorial to each and every victim of a mass shooting in Arkansas as well. That was an actual life, not a maybe potential one.