
And it is big engough to have it’s open weather system inside. It can rain from clouds -inside- the building apparently.

The complete lack of self-awareness of the 45** cult is amazing.
“Never bow or apologize to the mob,” Lahren wrote “ completely oblivious that they ARE the mob. If you make the tiny leap that a mob is likely violent.

Yet another instance of mysoginists not listening to people who truly understand the consequenses and finding out later that they were right. Idiots.

Oh yeah! Can’t wait for the smuggled out footage and audio from this debacle. It should be popcorn time!

We’re always the last folks to leave a theater as we watch the credits. The attendants are usually cleaning while we are still seated. And of course are super-annoyed when credits are either skipped or overwritten with ads or other crap. Thanks for this.

Don’t forget the old leave-it-on-the-sidewalk-with-a-free-sign gambit. Of course, it depends on where you live, but sometimes a great option.

Have any of them been at the top of their sport for over 20 years? I didn’t think so.

But it is perfectly fine for white supremacist guards to work on floors with black inmates, right? Sheeesh.

This whole debacle could have been easily avoided if the idiots in charge of the state had just done the logical thing and let the patient and doctor determine medical decisions. Safe and legal instead of folks working hard to get around stupid laws to achieve a medical procedure.

Well, this was a particularly useless article. It is nothing but a pointer to a real article by someone else, with no real interpretation or information. 

There may an in-between option if you own a hybrid. We use our Rav4 and Prius hybrids as aux power when PG&E cuts power. Ours can only put out about 1300 watts, but it is enough to run the essentials. Some hybrids can not be used this way, so check yours out carefully.

Almost ancient by current standards folk song from the 60's that us olds remember well.

As for the implied desired item, “wireless charging pads”.

My ‘71 Fiat 128 had “cruise control”. I use scare quotes deliberately as it was really a throttle lock. Pull the knob, turn it to lock it in place. That was it. All of it. If you hit the brakes, the engine and brakes fought each other until you manually turned the knob.

“Cuties” is a marketing triumph. There are several varieties of mandarines and they ripen at different times. The marketing genius is to NOT reveal which variety they are, but to call all of them Cuties. That way they can put whatever variety is ripe into the same bag with consumers none the wiser. Also it makes it

Of course Abbott won’t go to any. They are children or adults, not a blob of tissue inside of a pregnant person, for only they are worthy of Abbott’s attention.

Since Republicans want to force children to bear children, are they then willing to provide all the support a grade school aged child to go through both pregnancy and grade school, middle school, and high school?

The low-speed sounds emmitted by both our Rav4 and Prius hybrids sounds more like grinding gears than anything else. A horrible sound. I really wish I could change the sound. But as a buy/not-buy decision point? Not a factor at all.

First episode and maybe more of In Plain Sight they had a clapped out Ford Probe that smoked badly and didn’t start reliably, just a POS. I think Ford got upset at the car casting and that car wasn’t long in the show. Cowards.

1)I drove down a wrong road and there sitting on the lawn was a ‘64 VW Type 34 looking neglected and not used. One of the best looking cars ever. I approached and talked to the owner to find that they bought it new in Switzerland and drove it around during their honeymoon, so lots of personal attachment. The owner