Seems to me that elected officials need to be opening “offices” in a lot of very small locations. Like say, a piece of ground a few square feet in size containing a box for submitting “things” to the official.
Seems to me that elected officials need to be opening “offices” in a lot of very small locations. Like say, a piece of ground a few square feet in size containing a box for submitting “things” to the official.
And of course theis breeeeding kink makes no mention at all of actually -being- a parent to -all- of those kids. Breed em and forget em.
If you have been notified that you are going to be under a Performance Review of any nature. It is almost impossible to meet their ever-changing requirements and someone somewhere has it out for you and is using this as a way to do it by following the rules.
Pro tip: Don’t ever tell an ex-cop that they did something…
Intriguing! My spouse makes hardboiled eggs and leaves a bowl full in the fridge. There may (likely) be a reduction of the quantity of eggs in the bowl. Have cast iron pan on the stove top at all times (not hot, of course).
I grew up with a pool in the back yard and a mom who gave lessons to the kids in our neighborhood. We always had that concotion available for any kid with water in their ear after lessons. We never had a case of swimmer’s ear over a couple of decades of lessons.
Be prepared and bring some homemade ear drops to remove water from ears.
I have been on fire, and it is damn scary! Mine was during a lampworking workshop (propane heated glass) when a piece I was working on broke off, landed in my lap and ignited one of my favorite cotton Aloha shirts. I have a scar on my abdomen to show for it.
My left arm isn’t exactly allergic, but it is sensitive to the sun. I attribute this to decades of commuting with the windows down. I took to wearing the left sleeve of a shirt on my arm to shade it. I did use a thrift-store-found Marks and Spencer shirt, so there’s that. The first sleeve lasted well over 20 years,…
That Brunswick piece was great viewing!
And everyone knows that if the words spoken with the tap on the back were supportive of Giulani, Giulani would have praised that person. Ghouls gotta ghoul.
Well aren’t they special, “I would also note that this has been a particularly stressful time as the Thomases have been subjected to an avalanche of death threats and other abuse by the unprecedented assault on the conservative Supreme Court Justices and their families,”
I really hope that the “enrolled in a female treatment program to address trauma—familial and otherwise” really means that Maxwell will be endlessly subjected to testimony from victims about what her actions had on them. There should be no treatment for someone who perpetrated and enabled such acts. Maxwell should at…
When I’m parking my ‘92 F350 longbed dually crewcab I will always take up AT LEAST 2 parking spots, and more if the camper is installed. I do, however, park out in the empty areas, WHEN I CAN. Sometimes I just find a couple of adjacent empty spots and there I go.
And the opposite as well. Outside of major cities, distances between housing and schools is large. Back when we had young’ns we had to drive a half mile to get to the bus stop. Others had to drive many miles to get there. The low-people-count counties are large and schools spaced far apart so busses would have to…
Shaved for a few years, then bearded for decades. Only shaved where and when I had to to wear a respirator for work. Shaving always was a pain in the skin. Now I just take my trimmer and every few days shorten it to the trimmer lengths. Simple and easy, quick, and no skin irritation.
There are not two parties in the US right now. There is the Democratic Party and the liars and not much between. There just isn’t a Republican Party that wants to be a governing party. They are simply Nazi’s, so anyone who supports politics in the US, by default supports Democrats for they are a legitimate political…
Apparently Texas has, and thought it was a How To book thinking it was non-fiction.
So, since Texas is forcing pregnant women to stay pregnant, essentially becoming another party responsible for the pregnancy, is the state of Texas now responsible for any actions the woman takes during that pregnancy that might jeopardize the fetus just like those fathers?
Sure, the equivalent dollar value of the electric charge. Filling up an EV costs, what $1.50? Ok, give away the same value in gas or diesel for the same number of EVs charged during the same time period.
Totally useless. Re-registering only sets up those who re-register as newly registered voters, it does not take off the rolls anyone who doesn’t re-register. All of those phantom voters would still be on the rolls. Of course their intent is to scratch everyone off the list and force folks to register. And of course…