As for “When filing a police report. . .Filing a false police report is crime.”
As for “When filing a police report. . .Filing a false police report is crime.”
So, being a member of a sexual predator-enabling cult is now NOT a disqualifying thing for a judge, let alone one on the Supreme Court.
Since Musk is famously well-known for expertise on the global and US economy, this take on the economy should be taken for what it is, an ignorant rant.
Uh, sorry, no knives ever go in the dishwasher.
If your boss is an ex-cop, do not try to explain what laws apply. They will find a way to get back at you eventually.
My hope is that a state will bring Thomas in for questioning.
When we lived out in the boonies, a local Sheriff came and asked directions to a particular street. Never a good sign when the local LEO doesn’t know their way around.
And as usual Republicans are foisting more and more laws legalizing hatred against women. Trust them to make things even worse.
Two things I always include, but fortunately have never needed them are a garbage bag in case my luggage gets wrecked, and some strong tape one a short straw for repairing luggage if needed.
Well at least this group has a little bit of self-evaluation, “A dozen or so Convoy participants were angry, demanding answers from the protest’s leaders. Some even called for the leaders to be arrested for fraud:”
My 1971 Fiat 128 had a throttle lock. Whatever throttle was being used, that was where it stayed. Neither uphill, downhill, nor brake changed the throttle setting. Up slower, down faster, braking had no affect, just caused conflict between brakes and engine.
Here we go, anything the states do is fine and dandy and the feds have no legal basis to change anything the state did no matter how discriminatory or badly performed, for there are only states, not a federal authority. Thomas is simply advancing this judicial philosophy according to the Federalist Society mantra.
We just found that Costco has some of their roasted chicken meat removed and packaged. I take the package and separate it into a muffin tin bins and freeze it. After freezing, I empty the tin into a bag and back into the freezer it goes. Now I have small portions of shredded chicken that can be added to soup, thawed…
Need to add that I extract the flesh chunks, scrape the side walls, squeeze out the juice all into a bowl. Then I dig in with a spoon and slurp the little bits with the juice to get it all!
Concerning water in the ear. Mix up a solution of half rubbing alcohol and half white vinegar. Place in a dropper container. Add a couple of drops if water doesn’t come out. The alcohol binds to the water and pulls it off the inner ear surface, thins it out, and it will run out easily. The addition of vinegar provides…
Dad hated ties and only wore them when required at graduation as he was a teacher at a local community college, and he hated going period.
And in Texas, they are trying to figure out how to arrest her for murder.
Dad use some short sections in lieu of rubber bumpers for the hood of our truck!
I obtained my brother’s Previa from his estate and it was a great vehicle. Our Westie loved sitting on the dash either head down looking forward or out the side window. We sold ours at 300k miles and it was nowhere near as good condition as this one. If it had been AWD, I would probably still have it.