
They finally made something that fits my coach-built ‘64 F100 crewcab!
Crown took a standard ‘64 longbed, cut-in a second cab and the bed is 5'5" long. Not that I want one, but nice to know there is something that will fit. I wouldn’t be worried about loading as dad had a 8' extended overcab camper built for this

So . . . the court “can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want.” yet they did (or likely will) exactly that by being bullied into gutting Roe by extremists who ignore reality.

I have been (almost) doing this for many years. Due to the visitation of the Easter bunny, the lawn traditionally does not get mowed until after the egg hunt. Even though the kids (and grandkid) are past that age, I still let the lawn grow wild until after Easter (and I’m lazy). This year was even worse, and I finally

I assume that any and all discussions related to anything that includes any religion will also be banned by this law too for every religion has done something that should make their members “feel guilty” about their religion’s history, right?

When I lived in an apartment, I wrenched on vehicles under the car port. THe metal structure provided a convenient place top support myself when using the step on the breaker bar method.
For one bolt, I used a breaker bar, a 3 foot extension pipe, stomped on the pipe, and STILL couldn’t remove the lug bolt. I sold the

If your hose is one of those with internal ribs, they can not be repaired. Unfortunately you won’t find out until you cut into the hose and are ready to use a kit.

I cheat and make crisps instead. No dough, just crumbles on top. Every now and then I make dough, and I’ll keep these techniques in mind.

Is using a cell phone while driving an action that is illegal in Texas? Add that to the list this idiot is guilty of.

After cooking anything messy, I continue heating the pan,wipe it out with a paper towel, and once heated I add a little water to create boiling water which is then spread around the pan. Then wipe with paper towels while still wet and hot. Boiling water is a great cleaner. Yeah, one has to be very careful to not burn

When I worked at Boeing Aerospace from 1978 to 1984, my workspace was across the street from Boeing field. We would routinely see the workhorse 747, which is the one with the red stripe on the side on the field or flying off undergoing upgrades or testing.

I managed to get to 300k miles on my ‘06 Prius, but it really really looked like it had 300k miles on it. Cracked windshield, filthy second set of seats, oxidized paint, warped head, burning oil, and more. I did not treat that car nicely, I used it hard and it showed.
Wow on this one at 546k miles that looks that

It is a small push-on/push off switch off to the side and not close the clutch. One lifts the toe about an inch or less to hit the switch, not lift the leg like for a clutch.

Foot-operated bright light switches allow one to maintain full hands-on the steering wheel while cornering AND dimming the lights at the same time. Very useful on winding roads at night.

Let’s give them the argument that testosterone levels are dropping. It is very likely to be happening with the influx of endocrine enablers in our life. As usual, these folks accept that science says that testosterone levels are dropping, yet reject science to solve the problem. Idiots.

For an excellent, but heart-touching read from a rider who was hit by a car, check out Degloved by Adelaide Perr. Car drivers get away with little punishment while who they injured face life-long consequences, if they live.

My ‘92 F350 longbed dually crewcab is too damn long! Add a camper that sticks out past the bumper and the steps behind that, and with the additional width from the wheels/fender/camper jacks. I don’t even try to park unless I can pull through two spots into another two spots and it still hangs into the spaces behind.

They are using public things (roads, water, sewer, etc) as part of their existence, and should pay back for such services provided to them currently for free. And this doesn’t even include property tax relief benefits. Good idea to encourage small local churches, but really bad for anything larger than a small local

Driving down a dead end road, with cars parked on the side, with a trailer, and a truck that needs 4 lanes to U-turn. Did that this afternoon. Plenty of times heading forward to straighten out the trailer, again again.

We spent 8 months in our ‘76 VW camper as our drive-around-North America honey moon. And then a few months living in our ‘80 Vanagon camper in a camp ground looking for jobs. BTDT. Could do it again. Yeah, I know it doesn’t follow the rules of this post.

It would never occur to me to NOT place my overhead-bin luggage near to me. Invariably, the thing I need and I thought I had in the bag under my feet, is in the other bag overhead.