
Speaking of cleats, this is a pet peeve of mine. Humans have centuries of experience behind the design of a simple cleat for tying things down. However over the past 100 years, vehicle designers have decided that cleats don’t work and went ahead to design all sorts of gizmos to attach ropes to that are nowhere near as

When my great-grandparents emigrated from England to the US, the seven kids took different approaches to their accent. The oldest few deliberately tried to keep their English accents, while the youngest few actively worked to be rid of theirs. The middle ones were wishy-washy about theirs. It was interesting when they

Number 1 piece of advice - Drive as if your brakes don’t work at all. Since I have had a couple of vehicles like this, I am used to having minimal brakes. Not anymore though as I installed disk brakes on my ‘64 F100 crewcab. Don’t drive in snow or ice though, as I have an AWD vehicle for that.

I only sort of agree about sunroofs, every modern SUV my spouse leased had one, and it never gets used. And the one in the Audi was constantly broken.

We hosted a kid from Belarus for a few months some years back. Not a word of English was understood, while we knew no Russian. Day 1 we took all kids to the park in my ‘64 F100 crewcab. Managed to close the door on the Belarusian kids fingers. Yikes! Went to the ER, had to find a translator quickly.

The inheritors of my ‘64 F100 coach-built crewcab may not like it, but I’m serious about going EV as part of a restoration. Hard to justify doing much driving now at 10 MPG, but as an EV, far more justifiable. The Mustang Mach E might be the one to use.

Neglected to include that if you use a zip code, you have therefore accepted that the government is legitimate.

A great way to practice using gender-neutral pronouns is to talk to and about your pets in a gender-neutral way. They won’t care if you mess up, and gets you to thinking about such things.

The other ingredients are frozen, thus needing to be thawed out. Grilling cheese in a properly seasoned cast iron pan results in a golden brown and delicious crispy cheese. The melted cheese on the top adheres to the bread. Once crispy, the cheese easily releases from the pan.

My go to is quesadillas. I always have tortillas and cheese around, and the third ingredient is whatever is around. Vegetables, bacon, chicken, apples, whatever.

My other is pulled pork sliders. Frozen pre-portioned BBQ pulled pork, Hawaiian rolls in the freezer, and cheese. Toss the pork in the microwave while the

At my first apartment all I had was a carport that I was supposed to pay for but never did. To do some engine work a buddy and I carried my engine inside the apartment to work on. It was a ‘67 VW squareback, but I still worked on it inside my apartment. Everything else I did was outside exposed to passersby, so I had

I like how they got rid of all the obsolete and useless hardware they had sitting around just taking up space by putting onto this floating now-junkyard. Could be some exciting and unobtainium items for your unobtainium-laden vehicle, if they match up. Or it could be a pile of scrap they didn’t want to haul away.

I happened to be out at the road when the UPS truck pulled in and handed me the package. I recognized that the contents were not fragile, so with the driver right there I launched it down the sloping driveway hoping for a nice long slide. It didn’t, it tumbled. I said to the driver, “Bet you wish you could do that

Dad installed a set of overleaf springs in the rear end of our ‘64 F100 Crewcab to provide a bit more support for the 3/4 ton of camper on the bed. A few decades later the bushings were worn out so that when cornering, one could feel the entire body shift side to side, clunk clunk. When I finally decided to deal with

That Mercedes is the year and model we had when I took my driving test. Does this one also have the weird seat belt connection? I had to explain to the DMV driving tester how to use it.

I purchased a small multi-tool years ago that met the size and feature requirements of the TSA and flew with it about 9 times. I open it up to show all the features, I’m not trying to hide anything.

Do your funny bone a favor and get the set that includes a Dash, a Smidgen, and Dash measurement spoons.

What DOES it take for such criminals to actually face jail time for OBVIOUS crimes? Well, other than being white that is.

And when a pan gets past that point, I keep them in the garage. I put them under any small disassembly job to contain the screws and bits. We also used them under plants that are brought in for the winter. If they are not sticky I use them while assembling Lego.

As an aside, the BEST pitch remover is butter. Scrape off the heavy stuff first, then butter, and to be topical, THEN use detergent. Butter works better than those fancy removers on cars and hands.