
Thin? You mean like grabbing a stick of butter, opening one end, and dragging it over the pan? Simple, effective, cheap.

I am hoping, but not expecting, the NBC broadcasting to be better than the summer or para games. They were horrible. We have Dish and recorded just about every broadcast we could get. So, so, so, many repeats of the same stuff, it got to the point where we were blasting through a 6 hour show in about 30 minutes as

I had recently gone though my large selection of aloha shirts to pare it down a bit, so quantity reduction was on my mind. I was wearing one of them into a shop and one of the folks behind the counter told me how nice that shirt was. I offered them that shirt right then and there as I had a spare shirt in the car. The

I have made a recommendation for someone to reada specific book I have read when it is relevant to a conversation. I have the book nearby so I can be sure the title and author are correct in my recommendation. I was recommending one specific book often enough that I put up a bookshelf for it and others.

Are they also going to remove the photo of the prospective guest? That is also provided as part of the guest message to the host.

Since my work space is the driveway, and it is sloped, while this is something I would be interested in, it won’t work for me. I did construct full length ramps to level vehicles and to do so the tallest section is about 6 inches higher than the lowest and it is banked front to back about 1 1/2 inches as well. Getting

I put blind spot mirrors in every vehicle we have, including the lease vehicles. So easy to spot that a car is out there compared to even a side mirror that is adjusted to reveal that area. 

Dollar type stores usually have the old-school kitty litter and at a buck a 5lb bag, cheap.

We had a dog who was terrified of the vinyl flooring in the kitchen. To get from one end of the house to the other one had to go through the kitchen. Moocher the dog would venture just far enough to leave hind legs in the dining room, stop, pivot about the front legs, and back through to the family room. Strange dog.

I was ready to not like The Equalizer, but it has turned out to be well done, and worth watching. They long arcs involved are a good ones, and it will be interesting to see how they deal with the loss of one of the key people on one of those arcs.

We have one here at the local railroad museum. The Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum.

Even as a passenger in a small plane I was asked by the pilot to help keep an eye out for potential landing places. It is a standard practice for pilots. For this person to be “scared” of not finding a landing location shows complete failure at being a responsible pilot.

We have so much leftover wrapping paper and inherited from parents that we haven’t had to buy wrapping paper for many years, and have many more years worth as well to use. Perhaps we’ll find one of these uses as well.

Well the Toyota Entune “feature” is complete crap, no loss there. My 2020 Prius bugs me whenever I attempt something it thinks it can do better than my phone, but a quick -cancel- and it is gone. I had an earlier 2020 Prius and it was constantly nagging me to turn on Entune.

I don’t know. As a tech writer I often have two documents up on screen split top/bottom to compare pieces of docs, so while I see value, I’m not sure.

Real practical advice here.

And this is where Republicans really want to go; criminializing any pregnancy that is even remotely whishfully-thinking not perfect. And the criteria is whatever is in someone’s mind.

It. Is. Called. A. Spinnaker. They have been around for centuries.

And it is a scary place to work due to these violent clueless idiots. Someone I know worked (past tense) at a clinic. Can’t ever tell anyone where you work for you don’t know who is listening, can’t say where you work, can’t say what you do. When the first opportunity to retire arrived, they retired. These

Under desk foot sling? huh, I have a subwoofer under there with a pillow on top for a free footrest.