
Ho wow, a hot tub cover. SEVERE WARNING!

I can see it now. A dispenser that periodically plops a blob of peanut butter onto the floor from a height that prevents said doggo from accessing the dispenser. Hey, the doggo will lick the floor even if there is nothing there, so at least provide something on the floor that is actually there!

The problem is that the lenders have a guaranteed no-failure-possible way to make money. They can NOT fail to make money on making a loan. That is flat ass wrong. The lenders are taking ZERO risks AT ALL for making any loan to any student at any so-called college for any amount. ALL of the risks are dumped onto the

Google folding ladders for lofts. Re-imagined in metal along the side of the RV could provide a decent staircase to the roof. They can be an elegant solution.

And who is still awake if it is the last person to sleep that gets walloped? There is still someone awake wielding the holly branch, so someone is not asleep yet. If the last person goes to sleep, who then decides that, since everyone is, well, asleep, was the last one asleep? So many questions, with no logical answer.

The elected representatives in that state should be forced to do the same thing to get their monthly pay.

In this sentence, “In the spring of 1940, members of the Gestapo raised the headquarters of the Automobile Club de France and seized all the records”, should that be “razed” or “raided”, not “raised”?

So, Fox thinks they are a protected class, eh? Cluelessness aside, they are the epitome of those who are committing the acts of hate.

I don’t exercise much, but when I do, I wear a sweatband. I learned that I can sweat a lot and on a machine, it lands on the machine creating a mess that I have to clean up. Prevention is better by using a sweatband.

During our honeymoon around-the-US/Canada trip in our ‘76 VW camper in 1984, we had to get our oil changed several times due to mileage. Imagine pulling into an oil change shop that doesn’t have metric tools and have never even seen a VW. That is exactly what we faced. So, I laid out all the proper tools and parts,

“We will not let this deliberate and brazen act of cowardice deter us,”

Yup, that was the word way back then, so I did all my own prep work.

In a slight defense of MAACO, the paint on my ‘67 VW squareback was painted by MAACO back in ‘78 and the vast majority of it is still in decent shape.

I’m torn. I have a coach-built pickup truck. It’s a ‘64 F100 crewcab that has about 350k mile on it, all original, but for a few bits and pieces, no rebuilds. It would be fascinating and illuminating to find someone who loves old engines to video the teardown and rebuild of this engine and the Fordomatic transmission.

Somewhere I have a photo of a 911 with not one, but two baby car seats in the back.

Fourth person in an old Toyota pickup. Seating for three on the bench, I was the fourth. After the clutch gave out in my ‘71 Fiat 128, I got a ride with my escort since I wan’t sure we’d make it home. I sat on the knees of the outboard passenger with my head against the windshield. 200 miles that way, and somehow I

You are full of it as others have said. One kid went to a supposedly good college that had a good placement counselor at the start. That person went away by the time kid graduated, so no placement assistance, nothing, not industry contact, no leads, nothing. AND it was just when the economy crashed, so no hiring

And the very small handful of people who don’t know, the Internet Movie Cars Database exists and is a great source for finding out what that car was in that movie. It is a glorious assemblage of information that includes trucks, buses, equipment vehicles. and more.

I can look out my office window and see a 2021 Rav4, the current vehicle of choice of my spouse. I personally, prefer the first gen Rav4, but compared to the many years of SUV leasing of different makes, this one is the first that actually may be purchased at the end of the lease.

My go to for exercising is to watch silent movies while on the elliptical. Forces my attention to the screen otherwise my mind drifts and attention gets back to the boring exercising.