
Well, missed the obvious one that I am guilty of. As the owner of five vehicles at the time of our first date, the only working one was my Honda CB350.

Of course the untold ultimate agenda for these pieces of idiocy are to criminalize miscarriages as well. 

The shift cable on my ‘71 Honda CB350 twin carb motorcycle broke some miles from home. Found some string somewhere and tied each end to the throttle linkage on each carb. The string went up and over the gas tank. I held it in my hand gently rotating my wrist to engage each carb. Fun times trying to sync the carbs ridin

By the time the stuffers are gathered at our house, they overflow the stockings by a large margin. Up until then, they hang from the balcony. Some old some new, some for critters too!

Pitch. The absolutely best thing you can use to dissolve pitch on any surface, be it your car, hands, clothes, gloves, fabric etc. is . . . . . butter.

Advice. Make sure that the vehicle you are using for the test is in actual good working order. When I took our oldest to the DMV, the tester didn’t even get into the car. One of the brake lights didn’t light up, so no go. Turned out to be a faulty solder joint on the brake module in the trunk in the first-year Camry.

A quality knife? No way unless you know EXACTLY what knife they want and a brand they like. How a knife fits and feels is extremely important and if someone gave me a high quality knife, it is highly likely I would not use it, favoring my own chosen knives.

And just like painting, the prep time far exceeds that actual action time. They make crack filling seem like a quick and easy thing. Nah, that takes prep time for each inch of crack to make sure the filler actually has somewhere to go. All I see in commercial work is quick dump of filler occasionally actually hitting

Since a link to Instagram is basically a snipe hunt, I gave up on such links. I was prepared for this person to coif hair with gasoline, but wiper water is at least a somewhat-hopefully-non-toxic alternative.

As a commentator on said, Gough is fomenting violence outside the courthouse in order to make good on the claim that the trail can not be held safely or be considered impartial. Like Rittenhouse, Gough is creating the environment of violence to cause violence and prove that acting against such violence like the

Keep a Zip-It at each drain location Cheap and effective.

When I was searching for my first car, I wanted a Honda N600, but couldn’t quite find one. My next choice was a VW squareback, but again couldn’t find one in the time I needed it to commute to college. I ended up with a Fiat 128 two-door sedan. I still long for the Honda, though I still have the squareback I bought

TCM just broadcast Skidoo and I recorded it! Looking forward to watching it.

Dad bought a first-year VW Rabbit. Among the many bad things about it was the complete lack of feel for the gas pedal. There was nothing press against, you had to hold you foot in the air. I added a piece of foam underneath the pedal which made driving far easier.

Back when I was living in an apartment, officially the spaces under the car ports were only available if you paid for them. I parked all five of my vehicles in the carport. Their records were spotty at best and occasionally I would be asked to not park in a specific spot rented out to someone. I was there for six

After a rather short engagement and not living together, our honeymoon was in a VW camper bus for 8 months travelling around the US and Canada. We survived and are still married 37 years later.

A flea and a fly in a flue
Were imprisoned, so what could they do?
Said the fly, “let us flee!”
“Let us fly!” said the flea.
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Since woodworkers always get slivers, get them some Splinter Outs and a some quality sliver tweezers. I keep a Splinter Out in my wallet.

When I visited one of my kids and family, we did a remove and replace about a dozen of these lights with nice controllable LED fixtures. Their house was a flip and had a lot of very cheap fixtures. A HUGE improvement. Donated them all to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore, so expect to see them in a local flip or rental

There was a “rally” locally to be held at our high school. The ad mentioned that they were fighting against antifa! So that means that they are fascists, right? Clueless idiots with no sense of self awareness.