
We had a double wide manufactured home installed on our property. A few years later we had mice in the house. They were coming through the HVAC vent system. Going underneath revealed that there was a connector between the two halves made of aluminum foil and fiberglass insulation, which is easy for mice to get

I have a knife AND cutting board in all of my travel vehicles.

When shopping for a replacement hard drive for our security camera, I saw so many negative reviews about the challenges of actually getting a replacement. I went direct to the manufacturer and bought it direct from them, with warranty. Well, a couple of weeks in and the drive failed, so we’ll see how good the warranty

Pears are a bad gift. The unripeness needed for shipping renders them useless for eating. Then again, we have a pear tree, so just about ANY pear from anywhere at anytime is several steps below a ripe pear direct from a tree.

And silly me thinking that this was going to be about the -musical score- in some movies that just was confusing in the movie.

I can’t believe that they didn’t riff on 45**’s complete inability to do even the most mundane (but still offensive) thing properly. Instead of bringing the hand down with the elbow steady, clumsy 45** simply pushed his hand forward. 

At our local car shows, an twin to this Avanti shows up occasionally, and in the same color. Just. Gorgeous.

Hmm, I wonder why they pixelated the center of the pilot in their own video? Hiding some tech perhaps, or just suggestive?

When our Air Force customer told us that the parts we provided did not meet the specs, I, the Manufacturing Engineer responsible for the time/temperature profile for the heat treatment investigated. They said that we needed to comply with Rev H of the spec, and we were using Rev G. Lots of investigation by me revealed

I have the opposite problem. No one wants to help, at all! I have single-handedly prepared every single piece of the Thanksgiving meal more than once. Come on! At least take the drain the potatoes, take the veggies out of the microwave, at least OFFER to help.

My ‘64 F100 is a coach-built crewcab and as such the original owner asked for power assisted brakes. The coach house installed a vacuum booster from a Buick Electra that was fairly large AND some sort of mechanical gizmo that angles the booster away from the manifold. Another solution to install boosters in

When the time comes to get my truck engine rebuilt, I intend to seek out someone who will video the entire tear-down and thoroughly enjoy seeing what the insides of an original ‘64 Ford 292 V8 looks like with 350k miles and no rebuilds. Same for the Fordomatic transmission as well. It still runs great and I drive it

My ‘06 Prius started using oil about 150k miles in and I needed to check and add oil as needed. What did my engine in was a combination of neglecting to check the oil and the water pump becoming only partially functional. Overheated and warped the head. Still ran though.

As I was reading this the standard distribution curve came to mind. And that curve represents our level of lazy/stupid. The middle of the curve is our regular daily level, and occasionally really bright, and occasionally really stupid. It’s a low curve to begin with though.

My latest pie creations have been made using a metal tart pan. These have a vertical side that can be removed after baking leaving a nice flat piece of metal on the bottom and an exposed crust than can be cut through easily without the dip and break the crust on a regular pie pan. A little more challenging to insert

I have a glass pie pan that has a masking tape label on the bottom with my great-aunts name on it. It has been used for many decades and the label is still there!

Hot sauce, BBQ sauce, mustard. All on the same plate and mix and match as the whimsy strikes.

All of them. Sacramento California sees all the cars.

I LIKE mashing with a potato masher. That visceral feel of squashing potatoes is just so satisfying.

As an owner of a Gen2 Prius that went 300k miles, I only have a little advice. For anything other than fluids, only use genuine Toyota parts. Aftermarket brake pads didn’t come with all the necessary parts. A Dormann HV battery failed on day 2. The replacement Dormann failed at about 3000 miles. I returned it under