
Oh, the tweve foot lilac that is growing into my plum tree shouldn’t be pruned at all? Hogwash. That lilac is so damn tall I need a ten foot pole pruner to gather blossoms for a vase. Rubbish advice as I am slowly trying to whittle that giant down to a manageable size.

So, wait until this gets hacked and the car that just went by sucked a bit of energy from your car, and the next car, and the next car.

That most definately fits into the built-for-Burning-Man and then the figure-out-what-to-do-with-it-next theme. Glad they were able to make a go of it outside BM.

I’ve acquired and recycled many of the HF multimeters. They don’t last long. I end up using my ancient analog meter.

And knew the height of the wing tips to be comfortable in letting it be OVER the lane divider.

After the dealer wanted $150 to replace the licens plate light bulb on our ‘69 Mercedes sedan, dad opted to trade it in on a first-year VW Rabbit. Nothing on that car was right. Dash warped, upholstery fell off, the gas pedal had no feel at all, so I the teen drive, added a piece of foam underneath the pedal to

As a long-term owner of a VW Squareback, “Not Everything Is An Investment” rings very true. There never have, and likely never will be a high-value vehicle. 

So, using a gun that wasn’t his, and underage, intends to “protect” property that isn’t his, in a city that isn’t his, in a state that isn’t his, against peaceful protesters certainly looks guilty BEFORE he shoots anyone. Not actions of a law abiding person at all. Hewent looking for a fight, got in one, killed two

So, trying to take away a deadly weapon from someone posing a threat is now self-defense?

It is right there where the evidence is that clearly shows that the victims were rioters.

As one of many people with circulation problems (Reynaud’s syndrome), a heated steering wheel makes driving comfortable in cold weather rather than difficult.

Ok then. Can the prosecution then call Rittenhouse a vigilante? That is exactly why he was there and exactly what his motivations were, to “defend” the state from actions of the protesters.  Acting as law enforcement without any authorization is being a vigilante, right?

Yeah, and those actions against him came AFTER he killed the victims, not before, so the prosecution needs to lay out a clear timeline of such actions.

That sink & cooker combo! Designed like a proper cooker with no drainage to the netherworlds and simple drainage into the sink. Significant design leveraging from the Westfalia design that came out in 1980. And that design is still light years ahead of the latest and greatest from any American camper cooker design

Is dressing up as fire inappropriate in California this year? Or hot!

While parked in our driveway in Sacramento, my uncle’s Suburban was stolen. It was a year that still had the wing windows, the point of entry. Since my aunt was a light sleeper, she heard the Suburban start up. They were the lucky ones, as the police found it on I5 heading south to Mexico with an unlicensed under-18

A deer and I have had vehicular collisions twice, and both were in VW buses, different ones though. The day after I installed a rebuilt engine (on my cousins driveway in another state) in my ‘67 Deluxe sunroof bus due to an idiot driving 65 MPH with 3 kayaks on top on our way to a Rogue River 3-day trip, the deer and

Paint brushes. I gave up trying to clean and reuse paint brushes. They actually have some decent ones at the dollar stores. They also have some crap ones, so look closely. I place them in a plastic bag during the project and they will last for a week that way. The trade off is not using whatever cleaning products

This is the very first thing I thought of and posted when I began thinking about the Texas abomination of a law.

Many people don’t know the proper pronunciation of words because they have only ever read them in a book.