
It’s all physics kids!

Oh these criminal student debts started long before Biden. So, not fixing a problem means a broken promise means a failure. Let’s talk about Mexico and some border wall then!

The ‘67 Squareback I bought in ‘78 had an engine rebuild a few years ago and it was running great, finally. I was already slowly working on doing a proper restoration when covid hit. I used the government money and some from an insurance payout and bought loads of parts for the restoration. Started cutting out the

Due to co-signing on a student loan, I will never reach that magic threshold that allows refinancing.  Students loans are a scam pure and simple. The lenders take zero risk. Students can not default, can not get out of it, ever. And the lenders are never at risk of losing their profits.

In ANY discussion with a boss about ANY controversial topic, I have four words.

Great to hear. I loved her show on MSNBC.

And the truth comes out. Russia didn’t need to extort 45** to do dirty deeds against America, he did it out of his own greedy heart.

Most hybrids can be used as a generator. We’ve used our Prius (Gen 2 and Gen 4) as generators through a 1300 watt inverter even though the 12v battery is capable of 1500 watts. With the stuff we are powering in the house, it uses about a gallon per day. Modem/router, CPAP machine, mini-fridge, computers, fan, and

As the salaried Manufacturing Engineer writing the instructions for the shop, I know WHAT needs to be done intimately. HOW to do it is completely different. When our union went on strike, we salaried folks were called to work in the shop. Since some of the salaried folks had previously worked in the shop, we

Yep, it has the turning radius of Rhode Island. I have enough problems with the turning radius of my ‘92 F350 longbed dually crewcab with camper hanging off the back a little bit.

And the Nazis kept records of their heinous deeds too.

Has this court provide a written or oral REASON for their ruling against Judge Robert L. Pitman’s long, thorough, and meticulous ruling? What was the legal justification for their ruling? We all know it was political, but what legal argument did they offer?

I live in a fairly small town and when I took my electric chain saw in to a saw shop for a part a couple of years ago, they wouldn’t even talk to me about it at all. It was a brand that they worked on the gas versions of.

At least the container colors on the ship in the lead photo have a Christmas vibe!

Our Makerspace, The Curious Forge, opened a glass blowing studio recently and blowing glass is just different. I tend to work in metal and wood, and the manipulation of glass takes a whole different skillset. Having done just a little bit of glass blowing, I can really appreciate the amount of skill it takes to craft

How a bike rides on earth is dependent on gravity. I wonder how the physics of riding changes with a reduction in gravity. Would anyone with the proper simulation software care to do the sim?

Just laying out the facts without any judgment or emotion appears to be acceptable with the rules outlined here. Just the facts isn’t intending to do any harm, just inform of exactly what happened, no more, no less.

I still don’t get who the HHR was intended for. People who don’t like being able to see out of their cars perhaps?

Headline photo: Does it bother anyone else that the person doing the final wipe down of that car is wearing a watch with significant potential for damaging said car? Or is that specific person only allowed to use their right hand? Or forgot to wear the long glove that day?

My spouse had been leasing various SUVs over many years, including Mercedes, Lexus, Acura, Hyundai, and Mazda. Upon a suggestion that a Rav4 be test driven, that was the one for the lease. Not long after talk was of buying it at the end of the lease. We both love it.