
I was looking for a job a couple of years and and one company that ticked all of my buttons had an opening that fit. I didn’t want to relocate however, so passed on that one.

When I met my spouse in 1983, she had a ‘71 Corvette like this one, only orange. She bought it in Indiana. In the life before her ownership, it had been stolen, serial numbers ground off, recovered, and re-registered. She brought it to Washington and got it registered there.

Quesadillas. I always have shredded cheese in the fridge and tortillas. Whatever else is handy goes in there. Sometimes it is shredded chicken from the freezer, pre-made BBQ pulled pork, or just a sliced apple.

That. Is. Hillarious!

And on top of the whistling, the whistler was wearing a mask. Insult, ridicule, AND making a point of doing it safely in a pandemic. Nice.

And the bank is protected by law anyway. I think that any transaction $10k or more is automatically reported to the Feds.

At a minimum safe pull-over locations need to be identified and created if necessary. And then the systems need to be tied into these locations so when (not if) drivers have not taken over quickly enough, cars have a safe place to go on autopilot.

So, are such vehicles licensed and registered in another state going to be seized when they cross the state line? Seems like they are well on the way to saying they can do this. Yeah, I know states are supposed to honor laws of other states, but they are already sliding down a slippery slope.

And it is entirely possible that the bag the officer removed from the suspect was NOT the same bag that the officer put back in to the car. Putting on gloves AFTER removing the bag from the suspect’s pocket is in itself suspicious. Yeah, if cops want to regain the trust of the public, don’t do suspicious stuff over

Decades ago we took our infant to Bend Oregon for a quilt festival, camping in our ‘80 Vanagon camper. A valve seat decided to come loose and therefore no more driving. So after getting towed into town to a shop to receive that diagnosis, we had to get it home to California.

This article missed something important.

We had a 50's something Plymouth and a ‘49 Ford Woody Wagon. I recall dad out there sanding and varnishing the trim on that wagon. We had a 60's something Chevy truck and a box camper that we crammed all 5 of us plus Gram into for camping. Then we saw a ‘64 F100 four door truck drive by with a For Sale sign in the

I built a box to hold our porta-potty with a padded lid. All the stuff needed were within. It had handles so it could be set outside for seating or moving around. Built it for our around-the-US honeymoon in 1984 and still have it, though we have gone through two VW campers since then.

Almost, almost got there with cargo features.

My FIL bought a first-year Camry and while the brochure indicated that black was an available color, the dealer said that they could not get one. So, my FIL wrote a letter to the president of Toyota expressing his desire to obtain one in black. He got one in black.

When will cops who lie on reports be prosecuted for that? If we lied on official documentation to a government entity, we would be cited at a minimum.

It is a “chemical addiction” thing, not a “loving-it” thing.

Underwire bras bring back a memory. At an HP warehouse long ago where they held high-dollar small-sized objects. As I was waiting to get my large chunk of hardware through the very tight security, a new-hire showed up. The metal detector was so sensitive that I had to take off my glasses lest they set off the alarm.

I had a pilot friend who would take more friends on weekend Xcountry ski trips. I love flying, but never became a pilot, so I ended up in the co-pilot seat most of the flights. My job was to keep an eye on the fuel gauges and assist the pilot in spotting potential landing spots in case of a problem. Only problem we

If we wanted to buyout the lease on a vehicle we got just a couple of months ago, would it be better to do it now or wait 3 years? We got a Rav4 hybrid.