Yep. When on a motorcycle assume that to car drivers a motorcycle is either a target or invisible. You have to sustain that level of paranoia to survive.
Yep. When on a motorcycle assume that to car drivers a motorcycle is either a target or invisible. You have to sustain that level of paranoia to survive.
I was told the same thing, but the reason is very different! It as to be able to get around the car ahead of you in case they stalled it, or it broke down. This was back in the days when cars breaking down was normal.
I have the unenviable ability to know a song was written by McCartney within a few bars. It grates on my nerves when I hear one. Almost every song he has written is the same song, just barely different from another. I can tell WITHIN a song which parts he wrote versus what parts were written by partners.
My FIL calls it Chick-a-fill.
And when are they going to market Lego bombs, or Lego howitzers to go along with this? Oh, oh, full sized Lego tanks too! One of each for everyone? Oh, yeah, a bazooka too!
Stupid links to IG are useless. The link goes to the feed and I could not find the specific video that was shown here. Link to the specific video perhaps, but this way is pointless.
Part of the problem in the summer is the heat. Just about every outdoor activity is really difficult. Tools heat up and can’t be touched. You heat up rapidly and the desire to continue wanes. It is just difficult to do much whcn it is too hot outside.
And all they had to do was to sew on fake ties and fastened them with Velcro to hide the zippers.
Wooden skewers are a great tool to loosen up those hard-to-remove pieces of gunk that stick to the rails.
Now, this is great, but how to deal with such a person and be married to them.
However, before removing, check to see if the vinyl is preventing water from seeping though the concrete. We have sheet vinyl on a bathroom floor that is keeping water from getting through. When we do the flooring there, we will lay whatever on top of the vinyl.
Don’t forget to add apples to quesadillas!
Short term profits, as usual.
Being “nice” to someone and allowing them to exit the parking lot and enter into your lane ahead of you.
My grandkid helped me rotate tires as soon as a wrench could be lifted. Good times, and unfortunately the family moved away. Great piece of life.
The wincing whenever there is something I do that to my spouse is taken as “too fast”. Grabbing the door handle, reaching for the dash, etc. in locations where I have driven a zillion times, know I can go 10 MPH faster than I am already going now slowly. In our 37 years of marriage I have only ever crashed once, and…
Try adding sliced apples.
“She sounds like she wants to be offensive for the exclusive intent of being offensive.”
Yeah, I was thinking ancient chariots with sharp objects from the hubs to cut off the legs of the enemy. Maybe why they are there, for the same purpose.
And such advances by two leading companies is how we will eventually get swappable batteries in larger things, like cars.