
The intent is to heat parts for brazing in an oxygen-free atmosphere. Hydrogen reduces (chemically) oxides on or in the material providing a very clean environment for brazing. Oxide contamination results in poor braze joints. We were building combustion chambers for liquid rockets.

Bingo! When H2 leaks, it goes UP very fast, unlike gasoline which likes to pool on the ground and just sit there waiting to be ignited. H2 dissipates quickly especially in an open-air environment. And if it does ignite, it burns fast and up away from people and things on the ground.

For many of these tasks, a pillow case works well.

Aha! Memory kicks in. Stuntmasters. It lasted all of one season.

I recall, but can’t name, a short-lived vehicle-based stunt show series on American TV that used cardboard boxes during the set and trial runs of difficult stunts. Anyone recall that show? They even called out for stunts to perform on the show.

Fortunately I don’t have plantar fasciitus, but I do have Reynauds syndrome which is a lack of circulation, and a neuroma in one foot that a pad relieves. So, in addition to shoes (or sandals), in winter I also have to wear socks, ugh.

I have a few foot problems and while I hate hate hate having to wear shoes or socks, but I must for my own foot health. 

I wonder if they have a better human waste disposal/gathering system that the problematic ones on the ISS.

Shooter will probably get a tougher sentence for wounding the cop/security guard than murdering the clerk. Sigh.

This scheme is the same on a Prius and when the cam controlled wiper has a bolt get loose, it gets weird.

If you are a DIY person, they are fairly easy to install. However be aware that sometimes the fittings provided with the bidet do not fit your water supply. This will entail a trip to the local hardware store where some fitting adapters may be challenging to find. Ask for help, but be aware they when informed you are

Between a kitchen cart, shallow cardboard trays, grocery store carry bins, and handled house carryalls, and magnetic bowls and arm bands I pretty much have the uses of grypmats coved, but seem like a good idea. The kitchen cart can carry everything I need for an oil change and I can park it and move it where needed.

Interesting list as I have owned two of these vehicles, or close anyway.

And now the idea of the rear side of the cab being available to open for longer items makes sense. Compress the seat, open the rear of cab, gain long load room.

I had a Minolta waterproof version so i could take it on kayaking trips. I rigged a strap to keep it with me and could stuff it in my life-jacket when not in use. Loads of fun.

My ‘64 F100 crewcab. It started out as a standard longbed and was coach-built for the first owner as a crewcab. Crown did the coachwork. The owner wanted power brakes, so power assist brakes from a Buick Electra was installed. No power steering however, and he wanted the Ford-o-matic transmission.

Such a delight is Simone. I was smiling throughout just the trailer with some tears forming. The movie should increase the feels!

I wish job reimbursement was tied directly to how quickly your performance affected the company. If most of us failed badly at our job it would be noticed quickly and we should lose pay for it. The same should apply to those at the top. You are a CEO with a five year plan, so you should get basic pay until five years

Lemon drops, red vines, Gardettos for snacks. I’n not at all a fast food person, but the breakfast crunch wraps at Taco Bell are actually good. Only drink enough water to hydrate and not more to lessen the restroom stops.

Some vehicles have a location in the spare tire (or equivalent) location to stow the cargo cover. Nice. I had a couple of those retractable and removable covers stashed in the rafters in my garage with no clue as to which vehicle they came from. For the very few times you actually need them, they are in the garage,