
Neutral - Having bought two new cars in the last year, I still hate the process. They have made it easier, they folks involved are slicker, but it is still a royal pain. I still hate buying a new car and hope to never have to do it again. However my spouse has been leasing a new car every 3 years for a long time now,

Why are the police not in trouble for lying on their reports? If we lied on official documents handed to the local office of anything, we would be in big trouble. Why are the police allowed to lie on reports over and over?

My daughter was on hormonal BCPs and suffered various reactions. Several different formulations were tried, and while successful at their intended purpose, it took many iterations to find one that didn’t also mess up her body. During one of those in-between formulations, she did get pregnant though.

Do I use this MONTHLY?

Corruption with a church organization, oh how can this ever happen? Aren’t they sworn to some vow of something something something? Seems like this nun got more punished for money stuff than priests did for rapey things.

Ala - Ford trucks vintage ‘64 F100 like mine.

Love it! I have two old vehicles, neither of which have a huge amount of value, but tons of personal history, and I intend to restore both of them, eventually.

Well, to be fair, to Republicans policy is performative, not crafting actionable laws. Going to the border is a performance and is the only thing that matters to them. Actually governing, nah. So, unless Harris goes to the border, nothing is being done according to Republicans.

Looks like someone stepped on a large diameter nail. Ouch.

I think another cause of warping is using only one side of the board. I tend to only use one side of my wood board for cutting veggies. The other side has the drain slots around the edge intended for containing meat drippings. I only ever use this board for veggies, and another board only for meats.

Basic vehicles from the 60's. At the time, if a vehicle lasted over 100k miles, it was considered unusual. My ‘64 F100 crewcab has about 350k miles on the original drivetrain with no rebuilds.

That is a “smoker”, not a “steamer”. Important distinction.

We just leased a Rav4 and shortly hereafter drove from Seattle to Sacramento (close enough) and it is a great vehicle. I drive a Prius and have been for years, but I really like the Rav4 as does my spouse. My spouse has leased a small SUV from various brands for many years now, and this one captivated the interest

I have used a Fumoto on my ‘06 Prius for most of it’s 300k mile lifespan. I have a new Fumoto valve ready to install on my 2020 Prius, but with the very low miles I drive now, it will still be a while before I install it. When I was regularly commuting, I changed oil every 10 weeks.

We had a mixed breed dog that we had to train how to swim each year. Without training he would paddle straight up and down with front paws only. Great dog, but weird in the water.

I have had access to (and now own) a shortbed crewcab since I was 10, so I am very used to dealing with a 5 1/2 foot bed. It’s a ‘64 F100 crewcab coach-built from a standard long-bed with a second seat and cab grafted in. Dad as the second owner.

This is an awesome and useful way to get kids into STEAM! Sometimes you know you need to learn something, but without a solid reason to use it, the skills aren’t learned. This sounds great!

In this context, Hosting = show other obscenely rich people that you are richer.

Time out for you! Make press conference refusers sit in the corner for the same time that a press conference takes. Apparently that time is what is most important to not gain an advantage, take it away from them. Easy.

This is completely Florida Republicans. Ignore the laws and instead of being the “law and order” party, like the national party, has become the party of  easier to allow the illegality than to actually enforce the law. Seems like there is a parallel for Republicans and the Jan 6 insurrection also.