Fact Robot

Yeah I mean it’s not as if we live in a world where Stewart Lee, the comedian’s comedian, has spoken at length about how middle and upper middle class liberal audiences are motivated by confirmation bias rather than a desire to laugh. Patton Oswalt definitely didn’t name a special TALKING FOR CLAPPING. That’s entirely

Eh. Her columns are fucking garbage and deserved to be called out as such- her standup is reliably excellent and deserves to be lauded and feted. Text just isn’t her medium and that’s fine.

And that makes you, and your company, bad people.

Yeah, I mean, soliciting professional quality work IS ENTIRELY THE SAME as children drawing with crayons.

Nah. That was really more of a kink thing that got kind of garbled because one of the writers was a Discordian.


How well does Quorn do under deep frying? I’ve heard conflicting reports.

See I don’t even think that’s Trump’s goal. I don’t think he ever WANTED to be president. At the end of the day, what Trump really wants is for his Daddy to have not beaten him up and sent him to military school for being too faggy and for his career as a broadway producer to have worked out.

Okay, here’s what happened:

Okay, here’s what happened:

Ah yes, Clinton, the candidate who maintained back in ‘99 that the routine separation of children from their parents at the border was common sense, would have been so much better.

Here’s the thing: Almost every horrible thing Trump is doing on immigration was presaged by statements or policy under Obama or in statements by Clinton. Separating kids from their families was a Clinton thing when she was getting ready for her senate run. That fucked up bus and those missing kids? Obama.

What gets me isn’t that they used that tired, toxic, and completely stupid justification here... it’s that they tried to make it legally binding that it was just a blokey joke.

“If I am an advocate for anything, it is to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. Walk in someone else’s shoes or at least eat their food. It’s a plus for everybody.”

Their trip to Chengdu is an all time great.

Is it weird that I don’t? I mean, I did when I was a kid, but...

Depends on which Sims game you’re talking about, but buyable tomestones definitely exist and can be unlocked with either mods or cheats in pretty much all of ‘em.

Ohoho! So it was just... locker room banter. Obviously. Yes.

The term’s been bounced around when it comes to, say, Bryan Singer’s jacuzzi parties.

I know. I forget who it was (and by now it’s probably a bajillion people) but now she’s the only one I think is up to it.