Fact Robot

This is absolutely true, what with the world map not opening up PERIOD until you get the airship- but I appreciate a lot about it. The VA and character design are pretty trash but some of the characterization is surprisingly good, and making the MC (and Wakka) a jock rather than some outsider makes it much more

They’re also almost totally redundant! Fun fact.

I think that’s why he looks at her like that after she says it.

Nope. The extremely online left fights over the dumbest possible shit.

Nah, that’s kinda ignorant, especially because she embodies Israel so perfectly: only the trash gays like her, she’s racist as fuck, and completely worthless besides.

English lyrics are something I go back and forth on. I get why they do it- ESL is common enough that the lyrics can be understood by voters in other countries- but I feel like it really reduces the wacky factor.

Eh. Brain worms is a pretty dated and lame insult on socialist twitter. God, so many struggle sessions about whether or not it’s ableist.

“maturity” and respectability are part of the problem. Donald Trump isn’t bad because he’s vulgar and crass. He’s bad because of his policies and probable dementia. Like Reagan.

Do we have to do this?

Ah, but here’s the thing about PoE 2 that fucks that all up: Each character has three class choices, some of which have radically different combat roles. Suddenly there are more ways to slot characters you actually like into a consciously constructed party.

I think it’s a bit more calculated than lunacy. He fucking knew that no one would dear break the pretense of a civil/dignified Washington to actually talk about it, so he used his enormous penis and his amphibious car as an intimidation tactic.

“Decency in the White House”

No it’s not. Civilian law enforcement exists at the national level, you fucking moron. “UHHHH DUHHH WHAS AN FBI??? WHAS A SECRET SERVICE? WHAS UHHH DUUHHH IRS AGENTS???” that’s how dumb you sound.

Nah it’s hilarious and it would have been funnier if some ICE agent got waxed.

ICE is completely superfluous. It’s less than 20 years old and all it’s managed to do is accelerate the militarization of civilian law enforcement.

Infinite Jest is a bad book written by a creep to impress a woman while he stalked her and her kid. It’s only ‘difficult’ because he wanted to write something impressive.

Then she and Bill should stop telling Tom Perez what to do. Which they are doing, according to Amie Parnes and Johnathan Allen.

Basically one of the things that came out of Chozick’s book is that Clinton is basically low-key a shambling mess of internalized misogyny whose largely male inner-circle was made up of fucked up men like Reines.

As far as this series goes,

There are romances in PoE 2. There are romances between the PC and NPCs. Between two NPCs. You can even date your sword if you find the sentient sword.